Friday, November 11, 2011
When the bedbugs, guests look!
One upscale hotel saw its five-star rating on Yahoo! Travel plummet to one star overnight when guests reported sharing their bed with bed bugs. Increasingly, distraught guests whose sleep has been disturbed by the tiny blood-sucking pests are outing hotels on internet sites and filing lawsuits. is devoted to traveler accounts of bed bug attacks at hotels, complete with addresses and maps. Concerned hoteliers feel unfairly trapped.
While hotels have a responsibility to protect the health and welfare of their guests, it's usually guests who bring bed bugs into a hotel.
Adept hitchhikers, bed bugs travel into hotel rooms in guests' luggage and set up housekeeping. Bed bugs are nuisance pests that feed on human blood. Difficult to detect, adults are russet brown and about the size of an apple seed, but nymphs are microscopic and nearly translucent. While bed bugs do not transmit disease, their bites can cause itchy, red welts, psychosomatic stress and severe allergic reactions. When their original meal ticket checks out, bed bugs burrow into crevices in or near beds, behind wall plates, inside clocks and under carpets to await their next victim. They'll crawl along electrical and plumbing conduits and air ducts in search of new prey, infecting adjacent rooms. Maids may inadvertently spread bed bugs through an entire hotel wing on cleaning carts. It doesn't take long for a few bed bugs to become a major infestation.
Increasing bed bug infestations in all 50 states prompted the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to declare a bed bug epidemic in April. Pest management companies have reported a 71% increase in bed bug complaints since 2001, according to a survey by the National Pest Management Association (NPMA). Hotel outbreaks have become so numerous that NPMA and the American Hotel & Lodging Association are cohosting a National Bed Bug Symposium August 25 in New Jersey and August 27 in Seattle.
You don't have to stay in a flophouse or hostel to encounter bed bugs. Bed bugs are just as prevalent in luxury hotels and respected national chains. "Just because a motel (appears) clean and is expensive ... it does not mean that they don't have bedbugs," Derrick Bender, a faculty assistant at the University of Maryland's Cumberland Extension Office, told the Cumberland Times-News. While staying at an upscale $300-a-night Annapolis hotel this summer, Bender and his wife were attacked by bed bugs.
Juries and judges have been siding with bed bug victims when cases go to court. In the 2003 landmark case (Matthias v. Accor Economy Lodging), Toronto siblings received a jury award of $382,000 against Motel 6 after sharing a room with bed bugs. In 2006, a Chicago couple sued a Catskills resort for $20 million, claiming more than 500 bed bug bites left them physically and mentally scarred. "I was miserable," plaintiff Leslie Fox told the Associated Press. "My skin felt as if it was on fire and I wanted to tear it off." In 2007, New York opera star Allison Trainer sued the Hilton hotel chain for $6 million after suffering more than 100 bed bug bites at a Hilton Suites in Phoenix. "They were all over the bed and the comforter and the pillows, and I pulled the sheets off and they were just everywhere," she told ABC News. In 2008, a guest at San Francisco's Ramada Plaza Hotel received a $71,000 out-of-court settlement, the largest to date, after 400 bed bug bites left her with a disfiguring skin condition.
While some hoteliers have irresponsibly ignored guests' complaints, in most cases the hotel didn't realize the room was infested when guests checked in. A 2008 suit against the owners of the Milford Plaza hotel in Manhattan (Grogan v. Gamber Corp.) is expected to test the limits of hoteliers' liability to their guests when bed bugs are present. A 2008 New York Supreme Court ruling allowed two Maryland tourists bitten by bed bugs during a 2003 stay to proceed with a $2 million negligence suit against the hotel and its pest control contractor. A request for punitive damages was denied, the court ruling that the hotel's actions did not show "recklessness or a conscious disregard of the rights of others." Three weeks before the Grogans checked in, the hotel's pest control contractor was directed to exterminate bed bugs in rooms near the room later inhabited by the Grogans. At issue is whether the hotel and its pest control contractor should have considered the life span and migratory abilities of bed bugs when treating the infected rooms and treated a larger area. The case has the potential to significantly increase a hotel's responsibility and liability in providing guests with safe, bed bug-free rooms.
"Those in the lodging industry who still improvidently use their unlucky guests to monitor for the presence of bed bugs run the risk of being held liable for significant damages in civil suits," warns Timothy Wenk, an attorney with Shafer Glazer, LLP, a New York/New Jersey civil defense firm. Hotels must be proactive about discovering bed bugs on their premises, not merely react to guest complaints. The EPA now recommends that hotels institute regular preventive inspections to find and treat bed bug infestations in their early stages. "In addition to consulting with pest control managers," Wenk recommends, "hoteliers should consider using bed bug monitoring systems in their rooms. If hoteliers can show that they deployed a monitoring system, they can later argue that they took reasonable and prudent steps to safeguard their guests from these blood-thirsty pests. Evidence of this type should be given great weight by judges and juries."
Several effective bed bug monitoring devices have recently come on the market. Each has unique strengths and capabilities, so it's advisable to consult a pest control professional before making a selection. Hotels that use bed bug-sniffing dogs to identify bed bug activity should consider using bed bug monitors to protect against infestation between scheduled canine inspections.
o NightWatch by BioSensory, Inc. is the just one of an effective new type of bed bug monitoring devices on the market. Extensively tested and vetted by Purdue University entomologists, it uses heat, CO2 and a pheromone lure to attract, trap and kill bed bugs. It has a small footprint and has a clock timer with an automatic "on" setting and a CO2 cartridge that lasts several days.
o CDC 3000 by Cimex Science is a discrete, portable monitoring and trapping device housed in a briefcase. Mimicking a human body, it lures bugs within a six-foot radius, annihilating them with CO2, making it safe around children and pets. This monitor has a CO2 cartridge that lasts about eight hours.
o Bug Dome by Silvandersson will soon be available from the Swedish company that developed eco-friendly bed bug eliminator Cryonite. Using an attractant to lure bed bugs into replaceable glue traps, it plugs into any wall outlet.
o BB Alert Active by MIDMOS, available in Europe, should reach U.S. markets soon. The small monitor uses replaceable packets of chemical attractant to entice bugs into a glue trap.
Hoteliers who fail to monitor and quickly eliminate bed bugs pay a devastating price in negative media attention, legal fees and lost customer loyalty. It pays to be proactive about protecting your guests - and your hotel - from these annoying pests.
One upscale hotel saw its five-star rating on Yahoo! Travel plummet to one star overnight when guests reported sharing their bed with bed bugs. Increasingly, distraught guests whose sleep has been disturbed by the tiny blood-sucking pests are outing hotels on internet sites and filing lawsuits. is devoted to traveler accounts of bed bug attacks at hotels, complete with addresses and maps. Concerned hoteliers feel unfairly trapped.
While hotels have a responsibility to protect the health and welfare of their guests, it's usually guests who bring bed bugs into a hotel.
Adept hitchhikers, bed bugs travel into hotel rooms in guests' luggage and set up housekeeping. Bed bugs are nuisance pests that feed on human blood. Difficult to detect, adults are russet brown and about the size of an apple seed, but nymphs are microscopic and nearly translucent. While bed bugs do not transmit disease, their bites can cause itchy, red welts, psychosomatic stress and severe allergic reactions. When their original meal ticket checks out, bed bugs burrow into crevices in or near beds, behind wall plates, inside clocks and under carpets to await their next victim. They'll crawl along electrical and plumbing conduits and air ducts in search of new prey, infecting adjacent rooms. Maids may inadvertently spread bed bugs through an entire hotel wing on cleaning carts. It doesn't take long for a few bed bugs to become a major infestation.
Increasing bed bug infestations in all 50 states prompted the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to declare a bed bug epidemic in April. Pest management companies have reported a 71% increase in bed bug complaints since 2001, according to a survey by the National Pest Management Association (NPMA). Hotel outbreaks have become so numerous that NPMA and the American Hotel & Lodging Association are cohosting a National Bed Bug Symposium August 25 in New Jersey and August 27 in Seattle.
You don't have to stay in a flophouse or hostel to encounter bed bugs. Bed bugs are just as prevalent in luxury hotels and respected national chains. "Just because a motel (appears) clean and is expensive ... it does not mean that they don't have bedbugs," Derrick Bender, a faculty assistant at the University of Maryland's Cumberland Extension Office, told the Cumberland Times-News. While staying at an upscale $300-a-night Annapolis hotel this summer, Bender and his wife were attacked by bed bugs.
Juries and judges have been siding with bed bug victims when cases go to court. In the 2003 landmark case (Matthias v. Accor Economy Lodging), Toronto siblings received a jury award of $382,000 against Motel 6 after sharing a room with bed bugs. In 2006, a Chicago couple sued a Catskills resort for $20 million, claiming more than 500 bed bug bites left them physically and mentally scarred. "I was miserable," plaintiff Leslie Fox told the Associated Press. "My skin felt as if it was on fire and I wanted to tear it off." In 2007, New York opera star Allison Trainer sued the Hilton hotel chain for $6 million after suffering more than 100 bed bug bites at a Hilton Suites in Phoenix. "They were all over the bed and the comforter and the pillows, and I pulled the sheets off and they were just everywhere," she told ABC News. In 2008, a guest at San Francisco's Ramada Plaza Hotel received a $71,000 out-of-court settlement, the largest to date, after 400 bed bug bites left her with a disfiguring skin condition.
While some hoteliers have irresponsibly ignored guests' complaints, in most cases the hotel didn't realize the room was infested when guests checked in. A 2008 suit against the owners of the Milford Plaza hotel in Manhattan (Grogan v. Gamber Corp.) is expected to test the limits of hoteliers' liability to their guests when bed bugs are present. A 2008 New York Supreme Court ruling allowed two Maryland tourists bitten by bed bugs during a 2003 stay to proceed with a $2 million negligence suit against the hotel and its pest control contractor. A request for punitive damages was denied, the court ruling that the hotel's actions did not show "recklessness or a conscious disregard of the rights of others." Three weeks before the Grogans checked in, the hotel's pest control contractor was directed to exterminate bed bugs in rooms near the room later inhabited by the Grogans. At issue is whether the hotel and its pest control contractor should have considered the life span and migratory abilities of bed bugs when treating the infected rooms and treated a larger area. The case has the potential to significantly increase a hotel's responsibility and liability in providing guests with safe, bed bug-free rooms.
"Those in the lodging industry who still improvidently use their unlucky guests to monitor for the presence of bed bugs run the risk of being held liable for significant damages in civil suits," warns Timothy Wenk, an attorney with Shafer Glazer, LLP, a New York/New Jersey civil defense firm. Hotels must be proactive about discovering bed bugs on their premises, not merely react to guest complaints. The EPA now recommends that hotels institute regular preventive inspections to find and treat bed bug infestations in their early stages. "In addition to consulting with pest control managers," Wenk recommends, "hoteliers should consider using bed bug monitoring systems in their rooms. If hoteliers can show that they deployed a monitoring system, they can later argue that they took reasonable and prudent steps to safeguard their guests from these blood-thirsty pests. Evidence of this type should be given great weight by judges and juries."
Several effective bed bug monitoring devices have recently come on the market. Each has unique strengths and capabilities, so it's advisable to consult a pest control professional before making a selection. Hotels that use bed bug-sniffing dogs to identify bed bug activity should consider using bed bug monitors to protect against infestation between scheduled canine inspections.
o NightWatch by BioSensory, Inc. is the just one of an effective new type of bed bug monitoring devices on the market. Extensively tested and vetted by Purdue University entomologists, it uses heat, CO2 and a pheromone lure to attract, trap and kill bed bugs. It has a small footprint and has a clock timer with an automatic "on" setting and a CO2 cartridge that lasts several days.
o CDC 3000 by Cimex Science is a discrete, portable monitoring and trapping device housed in a briefcase. Mimicking a human body, it lures bugs within a six-foot radius, annihilating them with CO2, making it safe around children and pets. This monitor has a CO2 cartridge that lasts about eight hours.
o Bug Dome by Silvandersson will soon be available from the Swedish company that developed eco-friendly bed bug eliminator Cryonite. Using an attractant to lure bed bugs into replaceable glue traps, it plugs into any wall outlet.
o BB Alert Active by MIDMOS, available in Europe, should reach U.S. markets soon. The small monitor uses replaceable packets of chemical attractant to entice bugs into a glue trap.
Hoteliers who fail to monitor and quickly eliminate bed bugs pay a devastating price in negative media attention, legal fees and lost customer loyalty. It pays to be proactive about protecting your guests - and your hotel - from these annoying pests.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Facts to Know About Bed Bugs
The problem of bed bugs has existed for centuries. These parasites are known by many different names such as redcoat, heavy dragoon, and mahogany flat. The world thought that it had totally eradicated them in the last 50 years with the extensive use of pesticides but the bugs have recently come back in big numbers because of the increase in international travel. They are also tougher to kill because they can now resist the old pesticides.
The first signs of a bed bug infestation are actual bites from lying in bed. Some more warning signals are fecal and blood stains on the bed sheet, crushed bed bug corpses, and cast skin. Persons who think that they have a bed bug infestation should consult and employ an expert pest control service to thoroughly inspect the house and plan a way to eradicate the bugs.
When bugs are found to be present, a number of measures can be taken to eradicate the infestation. They can be physically removed through vacuuming. A high efficiency particulate air filtered vacuum should remove almost all bugs and their allergens.
They can also be removed by sticking tape onto them or brushing them into a container of alcohol. Excluding and then sealing off openings to their harbor sites also helps by keeping bugs isolated where they will eventually just die.
Applying extreme heat or cold on bugs is also effective because bugs die at extreme temperatures. Steam cleaners typically generate over 45 degree Celsius heat and this is enough to kill bugs that come into contact. A drawback of this method is that steam cleaners can only cover a small area. Mattresses also are hard to disinfect with this method because they tend to absorb the heat before it can get to the bugs. Commercial efforts are also underway to develop rapid freezing sprays.
Pesticides are far less effective than they were fifty years ago, when they nearly killed off the bed bug population at the time. Present bugs are nearly immune to those older pesticides. To kill off the bugs of today, a properly formulated residual chemical insecticide must be applied on all possible surfaces that bugs may crawl and reside in.
There are many other ways to deal with bed bug infestations. Since a multi-pronged approach is usually the best one to take, a pest control service really must be employed to determine the right mix of methods to be used. For prevention, individuals should look into buying or making a plastic cover for their mattresses.
View the original article here
The problem of bed bugs has existed for centuries. These parasites are known by many different names such as redcoat, heavy dragoon, and mahogany flat. The world thought that it had totally eradicated them in the last 50 years with the extensive use of pesticides but the bugs have recently come back in big numbers because of the increase in international travel. They are also tougher to kill because they can now resist the old pesticides.
The first signs of a bed bug infestation are actual bites from lying in bed. Some more warning signals are fecal and blood stains on the bed sheet, crushed bed bug corpses, and cast skin. Persons who think that they have a bed bug infestation should consult and employ an expert pest control service to thoroughly inspect the house and plan a way to eradicate the bugs.
When bugs are found to be present, a number of measures can be taken to eradicate the infestation. They can be physically removed through vacuuming. A high efficiency particulate air filtered vacuum should remove almost all bugs and their allergens.
They can also be removed by sticking tape onto them or brushing them into a container of alcohol. Excluding and then sealing off openings to their harbor sites also helps by keeping bugs isolated where they will eventually just die.
Applying extreme heat or cold on bugs is also effective because bugs die at extreme temperatures. Steam cleaners typically generate over 45 degree Celsius heat and this is enough to kill bugs that come into contact. A drawback of this method is that steam cleaners can only cover a small area. Mattresses also are hard to disinfect with this method because they tend to absorb the heat before it can get to the bugs. Commercial efforts are also underway to develop rapid freezing sprays.
Pesticides are far less effective than they were fifty years ago, when they nearly killed off the bed bug population at the time. Present bugs are nearly immune to those older pesticides. To kill off the bugs of today, a properly formulated residual chemical insecticide must be applied on all possible surfaces that bugs may crawl and reside in.
There are many other ways to deal with bed bug infestations. Since a multi-pronged approach is usually the best one to take, a pest control service really must be employed to determine the right mix of methods to be used. For prevention, individuals should look into buying or making a plastic cover for their mattresses.
View the original article here
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
A Guide To The Bed Bug, What They Are And What They Do
The bed bug is a little relative of the flea that feeds strictly on the blood of people and other heat blooded critters. The bed bug which is called for its behavior of infesting home bedding was mainly gone in the 1940s. Regrettably not too long ago they have come back. Now they primarily inhabit places with elevated individual traffic and beds such as accommodations and hostels. Their comeback has been extreme in that it is becoming referred to as an epidemic.
There are several unique varieties of bed bugs with one common one becoming the a lot broad spread. They can truly be seen with the naked eye but because these folks typically only feed at night time for about 5 mins these folks like the flea largely go unnoticed. What people do discover is the bites these folks leave behind.
These bites are generally mistaken for flea bites. These folks are little oval insects and are not arachnids like mites are. They come in brown, tan, white, and sometimes black.
Bedbugs feed off of blood vessels and blood vessels only. Though these folks typically feed about 60 minutes earlier than dawn these folks possess been recognised by feed at other occasions when warmth is present and these folks are starved. They only feed for about 5 minutes and the bite cannot be thought until about five mins after that. Bedbugs go unnoticed in a lot individuals also though absolutely everyone reacts a small bit in a different way to their bites.
Generally houses are not infested. Infestation only comes about once bedbugs are captured although touring or returning into contact with them elsewhere. The various way of transmitting is if infested furniture comes into the home. It does not have to be applied furniture. It is possible that new furnishings is uncovered to bedbug in delivery or also in the store. Enjoy their cousins the flea these folks can be captured next to anywhere.
These folks can nest in beds, beds, bed linens, chairs, sofas, and various upholstered furniture. It is where they are probably found. These folks can additionally be in clothing that is not often washed such as jackets, purses, and other baggage. These folks are not restricted to these areas that is simply in which they are generally found. That facts is valuable once discovering out how to treat an infestation.
Prior to you treat for a bedbug infestation it is crucial for you to make sure that you have a bedbug problem. Gentle infestations are almost unattainable to detect. You may see dust from the bedbugs or their shells right after they have shed. Only in a very heavy infestation could you see precise dwelling bedbugs. If you are unused to working with bedbugs you should seek the help of a home for detection if not treatment. There may additionally be specks of blood vessels on mild coloured sheets and upholstery.
Obtaining rid of bedbugs is really difficult. There are a range of do it oneself techniques that can be employed which includes: mattress covers, pesticides, and obtaining rid of the infested articles. Bed bug infestations can go for many years with out prognosis and once it is there it is incredibly very difficult to get rid of. If you are considering employing any treatment for bedbugs you may want to use them in combinations. Stick to the instructions cautiously to ensure which you get rid of them completely.
The bed bug is a little relative of the flea that feeds strictly on the blood of people and other heat blooded critters. The bed bug which is called for its behavior of infesting home bedding was mainly gone in the 1940s. Regrettably not too long ago they have come back. Now they primarily inhabit places with elevated individual traffic and beds such as accommodations and hostels. Their comeback has been extreme in that it is becoming referred to as an epidemic.
There are several unique varieties of bed bugs with one common one becoming the a lot broad spread. They can truly be seen with the naked eye but because these folks typically only feed at night time for about 5 mins these folks like the flea largely go unnoticed. What people do discover is the bites these folks leave behind.
These bites are generally mistaken for flea bites. These folks are little oval insects and are not arachnids like mites are. They come in brown, tan, white, and sometimes black.
Bedbugs feed off of blood vessels and blood vessels only. Though these folks typically feed about 60 minutes earlier than dawn these folks possess been recognised by feed at other occasions when warmth is present and these folks are starved. They only feed for about 5 minutes and the bite cannot be thought until about five mins after that. Bedbugs go unnoticed in a lot individuals also though absolutely everyone reacts a small bit in a different way to their bites.
Generally houses are not infested. Infestation only comes about once bedbugs are captured although touring or returning into contact with them elsewhere. The various way of transmitting is if infested furniture comes into the home. It does not have to be applied furniture. It is possible that new furnishings is uncovered to bedbug in delivery or also in the store. Enjoy their cousins the flea these folks can be captured next to anywhere.
These folks can nest in beds, beds, bed linens, chairs, sofas, and various upholstered furniture. It is where they are probably found. These folks can additionally be in clothing that is not often washed such as jackets, purses, and other baggage. These folks are not restricted to these areas that is simply in which they are generally found. That facts is valuable once discovering out how to treat an infestation.
Prior to you treat for a bedbug infestation it is crucial for you to make sure that you have a bedbug problem. Gentle infestations are almost unattainable to detect. You may see dust from the bedbugs or their shells right after they have shed. Only in a very heavy infestation could you see precise dwelling bedbugs. If you are unused to working with bedbugs you should seek the help of a home for detection if not treatment. There may additionally be specks of blood vessels on mild coloured sheets and upholstery.
Obtaining rid of bedbugs is really difficult. There are a range of do it oneself techniques that can be employed which includes: mattress covers, pesticides, and obtaining rid of the infested articles. Bed bug infestations can go for many years with out prognosis and once it is there it is incredibly very difficult to get rid of. If you are considering employing any treatment for bedbugs you may want to use them in combinations. Stick to the instructions cautiously to ensure which you get rid of them completely.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Growth Rate of Bed Bugs is Bad News
Bed bugs thrive in places where large numbers of warm blooded animals sleep. For this reason the parasites, which live on a diet of blood from animals and birds exclusively, are more common in hotels, motels and apartment buildings than they are in private homes and more likely to be found in urban areas that in the countryside.
It was only recently that bed bugs became uncommon among a large segment of humanity. Even today there are large areas of the world where bed bugs have never stopped being common. It was only with the development of insecticides in the 1930s that the bug was driven from our beds. The use of DDT and similar products made the bed bug essentially extinct in the USA by the 1940s. But the pest lived on in the wild and elsewhere.
The dramatic increase in the number of reported cases of bed bug infestation in North America began in the late Nineties. The unwelcome return of this pest after a half century absence is not currently under control, with a reported 5 times increase in populations in recent years.
It is believed that there are a number of factors behind this new epidemic of bed bugs. The increase in international travel has been cited as one possible cause. Another widely cited contributory factor is new methods of pest-control. In the 1990s fumigators began to use bait to control cockroaches rather than pesticide sprays. The bait introduced poisons into the colonies. This process was found to be more effective and less intrusive than spraying and the use of insecticidal and other sprays was reduced to almost nil.
The discovery that outbreaks were popping up in geographically disparate locations led to the discovery of problems in the poultry industry. Epicenters in Delaware, Texas and Arkansas were found to center around poultry farming operations. Infected poultry were transferring insects and eggs onto the workers.
The infestation problem in New York City id particularly acute. In the 2004-2005 period the city saw the total number of reported cases of bedbugs in the last half of 2005 surpass by 20 per cent the total number of cases reported in all of 2004. Toronto, Canada, was added to the list 2004. Both outbreaks are thought to tied to the presence of large populations of international travelers.
A central difficulty in getting these numerous outbreaks under control is the resistance the insect has developed to the chemicals used in the cockroach sprays that were so prevalent in the 1950-1990 era. Deltamthrin resistance was found to have increased 260 times over the kill point found in the original studies of the chemical.
The spread of bed bugs is assisted by the growth in long distance travel and the concentration of humans in urban centers. International travelers pick up bed bugs when traveling in countries where the pest has always been present. National travelers and tenants pick them up in hotels, motels, schools, the workplace: anywhere we gather in crowds of individuals from diverse regions.
The EPA in the United States has called a summit to address the growing problem of bed bugs.
Get important information and details on the right ways to get bed bug control easy and fast! When you have all the tools you need to effectively achieve bed bug control, you will be able to start enjoying your sleep without itching.
Bed bugs thrive in places where large numbers of warm blooded animals sleep. For this reason the parasites, which live on a diet of blood from animals and birds exclusively, are more common in hotels, motels and apartment buildings than they are in private homes and more likely to be found in urban areas that in the countryside.
It was only recently that bed bugs became uncommon among a large segment of humanity. Even today there are large areas of the world where bed bugs have never stopped being common. It was only with the development of insecticides in the 1930s that the bug was driven from our beds. The use of DDT and similar products made the bed bug essentially extinct in the USA by the 1940s. But the pest lived on in the wild and elsewhere.
The dramatic increase in the number of reported cases of bed bug infestation in North America began in the late Nineties. The unwelcome return of this pest after a half century absence is not currently under control, with a reported 5 times increase in populations in recent years.
It is believed that there are a number of factors behind this new epidemic of bed bugs. The increase in international travel has been cited as one possible cause. Another widely cited contributory factor is new methods of pest-control. In the 1990s fumigators began to use bait to control cockroaches rather than pesticide sprays. The bait introduced poisons into the colonies. This process was found to be more effective and less intrusive than spraying and the use of insecticidal and other sprays was reduced to almost nil.
The discovery that outbreaks were popping up in geographically disparate locations led to the discovery of problems in the poultry industry. Epicenters in Delaware, Texas and Arkansas were found to center around poultry farming operations. Infected poultry were transferring insects and eggs onto the workers.
The infestation problem in New York City id particularly acute. In the 2004-2005 period the city saw the total number of reported cases of bedbugs in the last half of 2005 surpass by 20 per cent the total number of cases reported in all of 2004. Toronto, Canada, was added to the list 2004. Both outbreaks are thought to tied to the presence of large populations of international travelers.
A central difficulty in getting these numerous outbreaks under control is the resistance the insect has developed to the chemicals used in the cockroach sprays that were so prevalent in the 1950-1990 era. Deltamthrin resistance was found to have increased 260 times over the kill point found in the original studies of the chemical.
The spread of bed bugs is assisted by the growth in long distance travel and the concentration of humans in urban centers. International travelers pick up bed bugs when traveling in countries where the pest has always been present. National travelers and tenants pick them up in hotels, motels, schools, the workplace: anywhere we gather in crowds of individuals from diverse regions.
The EPA in the United States has called a summit to address the growing problem of bed bugs.
Get important information and details on the right ways to get bed bug control easy and fast! When you have all the tools you need to effectively achieve bed bug control, you will be able to start enjoying your sleep without itching.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Signs of Bed Bugs Infestation
In order to begin a bed bug treatment, you need to know what bed bugs look like, what they do, what their symptoms are, and how to find them. This can be tricky because bed bugs are extremely small. They are nocturnal and feed from human blood. There are a variety of different kinds and they often reside in mattresses then come out to feed right before dawn. They only feed about five minutes then go back into hiding. They can live anywhere between six months and a year without food and usually only eat once per week, making it even more difficult to spot them.
Bed bugs will burrow down in the seams in mattresses, box springs, and occasionally in the folds of blankets and sheets; however, they can live many other places as well. They are usually found in places that people sleep, such as furniture. They have also been found close to sleeping areas, such as storage boxes under the bed, carpet, and nightstands. A bed bug bite is not dangerous, but it does itch very bad and can cause skin irritations and rashes in people that are allergic.
Bed bugs are a nuisance and can be contracted in many ways. The easiest way to get bed bugs is by living in an apartment. They are often left by the people who lived in an apartment prior to you or they will crawl from one apartment to another in between the spaces in the walls, which makes it very difficult to get rid of them.
Traveling and staying in hotels is another way to contract bed bugs, especially if you are traveling internationally. You can even transport bed bugs home with you if they crawl into your luggage or stay on your clothes. Buying used furniture or clothing is another common way to bring bed bugs into your home.
Once people know their house is infested with bed bugs all they want is to get rid of them.
Bed bug bites are probably the easiest way to tell that you have bed bugs, and even that is difficult because the bites are so small and often resemble a rash or patch of red skin. There is nothing distinctive about them, and not all people react to them in the same way. You often will not even notice the bite for minutes or even days after you have been bitten.
One other way to catch bed bugs is to turn a flashlight on in your bed about an hour before dawn and watch you sheets for movement. This can be difficult, as they usually only come out once a week and they don’t all come out at once.
To stop bed bug bites from itching, use simple anti-itch cream. This will not solve the bed bug problem however. For the short term you can use double-sided tape around the bed, but you will have to hire an exterminator to completely rid your house of bed bugs.
Kill Bed Bugs with a Bed Bug Starter Kit today. Tested and proven effective on bed bugs, our do-it-yourself Bed Bug Treatment STARTER Kit is a great quick response to infestation in a single room or small area. Take action now with this easy-to-use, affordable solution and stop any bed bug infestation in its tracks!
View the original article here
In order to begin a bed bug treatment, you need to know what bed bugs look like, what they do, what their symptoms are, and how to find them. This can be tricky because bed bugs are extremely small. They are nocturnal and feed from human blood. There are a variety of different kinds and they often reside in mattresses then come out to feed right before dawn. They only feed about five minutes then go back into hiding. They can live anywhere between six months and a year without food and usually only eat once per week, making it even more difficult to spot them.
Bed bugs will burrow down in the seams in mattresses, box springs, and occasionally in the folds of blankets and sheets; however, they can live many other places as well. They are usually found in places that people sleep, such as furniture. They have also been found close to sleeping areas, such as storage boxes under the bed, carpet, and nightstands. A bed bug bite is not dangerous, but it does itch very bad and can cause skin irritations and rashes in people that are allergic.
Bed bugs are a nuisance and can be contracted in many ways. The easiest way to get bed bugs is by living in an apartment. They are often left by the people who lived in an apartment prior to you or they will crawl from one apartment to another in between the spaces in the walls, which makes it very difficult to get rid of them.
Traveling and staying in hotels is another way to contract bed bugs, especially if you are traveling internationally. You can even transport bed bugs home with you if they crawl into your luggage or stay on your clothes. Buying used furniture or clothing is another common way to bring bed bugs into your home.
Once people know their house is infested with bed bugs all they want is to get rid of them.
Bed bug bites are probably the easiest way to tell that you have bed bugs, and even that is difficult because the bites are so small and often resemble a rash or patch of red skin. There is nothing distinctive about them, and not all people react to them in the same way. You often will not even notice the bite for minutes or even days after you have been bitten.
One other way to catch bed bugs is to turn a flashlight on in your bed about an hour before dawn and watch you sheets for movement. This can be difficult, as they usually only come out once a week and they don’t all come out at once.
To stop bed bug bites from itching, use simple anti-itch cream. This will not solve the bed bug problem however. For the short term you can use double-sided tape around the bed, but you will have to hire an exterminator to completely rid your house of bed bugs.
Kill Bed Bugs with a Bed Bug Starter Kit today. Tested and proven effective on bed bugs, our do-it-yourself Bed Bug Treatment STARTER Kit is a great quick response to infestation in a single room or small area. Take action now with this easy-to-use, affordable solution and stop any bed bug infestation in its tracks!
View the original article here
Saturday, November 5, 2011
What You Will See In Bed Bugs Pictures
What you may see in bed bugs pictures are micro unwanted organisms; with flat, egg molded body. They have a home in cracks, infest ones mattresses; still are discovered in most unlikely places like the curtain folds, toys etc. They produce nuisance not merely to individuals but pets too by drawing their blood.
Out of the profile, you can infer that these parasitic organisms are genuinely nasty and should be controlled. We are pleased to assist in case you might have a bed mites invasion.
Also, known as bed mites, red coat or even crimson rambler, they’re mostly nocturnal creatures. Infinitesimal bed bugs pictures show that they’ve tiny hair in their back resulting in itchiness. Simply because the name indicates, infest mainly the bedding within the house.
Due to this they trigger numerous skin disorders including rash, itching, allergies etc. The break outs, if it is not cared for properly can result in skin disease.
The crimson rambler are fairly various from chiggers. Chiggers are normally familiar to people who have outdoor exposure of a camp or a hike. Theoretically, they do not bite; they simply affix themselves to the human skin and feast upon the human skin cells.
These parasites might be when compared to fleas in way given that both of them are wingless insects that pierce the skin and are nourished by blood of animals and human beings. The distinction in these two is that the flea exists and reproduces on human body itself unlike the red coat that just uses the creature’s body for survival and not as a host.
We give you the detailed description given that we felt that the understanding of the pest is helpful in its pest control.
The micro parasites are tricky to remove. Their relief demands a continuous process of treating the infected bedding to hot water and thorough vacuuming. Bed bugs treatment also involves use of pesticides right after wash and vacuum. Since they’re known to be recurring mites, in case you kill bed bugs when; it does not get rid of them for life.
Getting rid of the bed terrorists is essential; considering that their bite may end up into different internal and external illnesses. One can eradicate these creatures naturally or by utilizing pesticide sprays. Assumed to have been completely eliminated, these blood sucking parasites have created an appearance once more, several decades back. We all know that the bed bugs are a real trouble for you. For that reason, our organization is there to offer you with anti bug tools also as bed bug elimination services.
Dead Bed Bugs’ most comprehensive Bed Bug Treatment Kit. Effectively eliminates bed bugs in your environment for up to 60 days! Our do-it-yourself Bed Bug Treatment Kit is proven effective for killing bed bugs quickly and safely. This ready-to-use commercial strength Bed Bug kit includes enough EPA registered product to treat several rooms. Kit also includes Climbup Insect Interceptors to monitor bed bug activity, a DE applicator, and Disinfectant to clean Bed Bug debris from your living area!
Make the most of both of them and have an excellent night sleep with out bed bug bites. Do not forget whatever you saw within the bed bugs pictures and remain alert.
View the original article here
What you may see in bed bugs pictures are micro unwanted organisms; with flat, egg molded body. They have a home in cracks, infest ones mattresses; still are discovered in most unlikely places like the curtain folds, toys etc. They produce nuisance not merely to individuals but pets too by drawing their blood.
Out of the profile, you can infer that these parasitic organisms are genuinely nasty and should be controlled. We are pleased to assist in case you might have a bed mites invasion.
Also, known as bed mites, red coat or even crimson rambler, they’re mostly nocturnal creatures. Infinitesimal bed bugs pictures show that they’ve tiny hair in their back resulting in itchiness. Simply because the name indicates, infest mainly the bedding within the house.
Due to this they trigger numerous skin disorders including rash, itching, allergies etc. The break outs, if it is not cared for properly can result in skin disease.
The crimson rambler are fairly various from chiggers. Chiggers are normally familiar to people who have outdoor exposure of a camp or a hike. Theoretically, they do not bite; they simply affix themselves to the human skin and feast upon the human skin cells.
These parasites might be when compared to fleas in way given that both of them are wingless insects that pierce the skin and are nourished by blood of animals and human beings. The distinction in these two is that the flea exists and reproduces on human body itself unlike the red coat that just uses the creature’s body for survival and not as a host.
We give you the detailed description given that we felt that the understanding of the pest is helpful in its pest control.
The micro parasites are tricky to remove. Their relief demands a continuous process of treating the infected bedding to hot water and thorough vacuuming. Bed bugs treatment also involves use of pesticides right after wash and vacuum. Since they’re known to be recurring mites, in case you kill bed bugs when; it does not get rid of them for life.
Getting rid of the bed terrorists is essential; considering that their bite may end up into different internal and external illnesses. One can eradicate these creatures naturally or by utilizing pesticide sprays. Assumed to have been completely eliminated, these blood sucking parasites have created an appearance once more, several decades back. We all know that the bed bugs are a real trouble for you. For that reason, our organization is there to offer you with anti bug tools also as bed bug elimination services.
Dead Bed Bugs’ most comprehensive Bed Bug Treatment Kit. Effectively eliminates bed bugs in your environment for up to 60 days! Our do-it-yourself Bed Bug Treatment Kit is proven effective for killing bed bugs quickly and safely. This ready-to-use commercial strength Bed Bug kit includes enough EPA registered product to treat several rooms. Kit also includes Climbup Insect Interceptors to monitor bed bug activity, a DE applicator, and Disinfectant to clean Bed Bug debris from your living area!
Make the most of both of them and have an excellent night sleep with out bed bug bites. Do not forget whatever you saw within the bed bugs pictures and remain alert.
View the original article here
Monday, October 10, 2011
You need to know about the threat of bedbugs the hospitality industry
The old adage there's no such thing as bad publicity doesn't carry any credence with hoteliers. They know that even a whispered rumor can have a disastrous effect on business. Websites that detail horror-laced reports of being eaten alive by bed bugs during an overnight stay in a hotel or motel play on growing public hysteria about these blood-sucking parasites. Fanned by a blitz of media attention, an accusation can instantly damage a hotel's hard-earned reputation and frighten away guests.
According to the National Pest Management Association (NPMA), bed bug infestations have been reported in all 50 states. Nearly unheard of since near eradication by DDT-based insecticides in the 1950s, bed bugs are back and in ever-increasing numbers. Bed bug reports increased by 71% from 2000 to 2005 according to the NPMA. Most pest control companies now field dozens of calls a week each week. "The last 12 months have been particularly active," said Cindy Mannes, NPMA director of public affairs. "They are showing up like never before in hotels, hospitals, college dormitories, and multifamily housing units as well as single-family homes."
"Most hotel chains don't keep track because the number is so insignificant," said Joe McInerney of the American Hotel & Lodging Association said at the 2006 International Bed Bug Symposium when asked about the growing number of bed bug complaints in the hospitality industry. He noted that there are more than 4.4 million hotel rooms in the U.S., adding "you could count the number of cases per day on one or two hands." Yet according to a 2004 survey of pest control professionals by Pest Control Technology magazine, hotels and motels were the most common sites of bed bug infestations, accounting for more than one-third of bed bug complaints. In a recent survey, one company reported that 24% of their 700 client hotels required bed bug treatments between 2002 and 2006. Brooke Ferencsik, spokesman for popular hotel review site told USA Today, "We get a steady stream of bed bug reports and have hundreds of reviews" mentioning them. "Even if travelers aren't experiencing [bed bugs], they're becoming more aware and are looking out for them."
The resurgence of bed bugs has created a particularly vexing problem for the hospitality industry. Rooms that were pest-free one night can be infected by a guest the next. Legal experts have noticed a boom in bed bug litigation with guests suing hotels for millions of dollars. "Not only can a hotel get a terrible reputation for allowing the creepy crawly bed buddies to exist, but they can also lose out on a lot of dough," wrote a blogger on Some lawyers are actually trawling for bed bug clients. A notice on reads: "If you have been the victim of bed bug infestation, it may be important to contact an attorney who can help you protect your legal rights."
The financial impact of a bed bug suit can be substantial. In the 2003 landmark case (Matthias v. Accor Economy Lodging); Toronto siblings who stayed in a bed bug-infested motel room received a jury award of $382,000 in their suit against Motel 6. In 2006, a Chicago couple sued a Catskills resort for $20 million, saying they were physically and mentally scarred after suffering 500 bed bug bites. "I was horrified to see all of those bites all over my body," said plaintiff Leslie Fox. "I was miserable. My skin felt as if it was on fire and I wanted to tear it off." In 2007, New York opera star Allison Trainer sued the Hilton hotel chain for $6 million claiming she suffered more than 100 bed bug bites at a Hilton Suites in Phoenix. Her story was widely reported in the press: "They were all over the bed and the comforter and the pillows and I pulled the sheets off and they were just everywhere." Her attorney documented 150 bites and 23 scars. Just last month a New York Supreme Court judge ruled that two Maryland tourists bitten by bed bugs during a 2003 stay at the Milford Plaza could proceed with their $2 million negligence suit, though punitive damages were denied.
What you don't see is hotels suing guests who bring bed bugs with them. Adept hitchhikers, they enter hotel rooms in guests' luggage or on their clothing. Most won't leave with the guest; they'll nest in and near the bed awaiting the next occupant and their next meal. Bed bugs are not a sanitation issue. About the size of an apple seed, the tiny nocturnal pests are nuisance parasites that feed on human blood. They do not transmit disease but can cause considerable emotional distress. In about 50% of their victims, bed bug bites produce itchy red welts that may take two days to develop, complicating detection. Many hotel guests check out before an infestation is discovered. Prolific breeders, females can produce up to 500 eggs during their one-year lifespan.
Infestations can spread rapidly to adjoining rooms and those above and below an infested room. Bed bugs travel easily through vents, ducts, wall voids and electrical and plumbing conduits. They can be spread by housekeeping staff on clothing or carts. "A lot of people would be surprised by the hotels we're finding bed bugs at these days," said Dean Henry, a Seattle pest control technician. "People don't expect to see them at the higher end places."
Notoriously difficult to locate, bed bugs hide in tiny cracks and crevices on and near beds to be near their food source. They may harbor in the seams of mattresses; on furniture and drapes; behind wall hangings, baseboards and headboards; under the edges of carpeting; and inside light fixtures, electrical outlets and switch plates. Your best defense against bed bugs is daily inspection by a trained and knowledgeable housekeeping staff coupled with regular pest control inspections by a firm with an expertise in eliminating bed bugs.
1. Bed bugs are tough to kill. They have a hard cuticle for protection. Traditional treatment is to fumigate the room with chemicals known as pyrethroids, but pest control companies have come out with an arsenal of new services and products to fight bed bugs:
2. Specially trained dogs are being used to sniff out bed bugs. K-9 services provide initial detection and follow-up but not extermination. A trained dog can thoroughly investigate a room in two to three minutes, indicating areas to treat.
3. Cryonite kills bed bugs by freezing them with a non-toxic, environmentally-safe carbon dioxide vapor. The vapor is particularly effective in penetrating under furniture and into cracks and crevices where bed bugs hide. Unlike traditional pesticides, Cryonite kills bed bugs in all stages of development, including eggs, and is effective against pesticide-resistant bed bugs, German cockroaches, meal moths and other hard-to-kill pests. Since it leaving no poisonous residue, rooms can be used immediately after treatment.
4. ThermaPure uses giant heaters to heat rooms to a constant 120 to 140 degrees for several hours in an effort to bake bugs to death.
5. Bed bug proof mattress and box springs encasements protect your bedding investment from bed bug infestation.
The best way to keep bed bugs from getting your property listed on is through comprehensive education of housekeeping and support staff and professional pro-active prevention and through rapid treatment when bed bugs do appear.
The old adage there's no such thing as bad publicity doesn't carry any credence with hoteliers. They know that even a whispered rumor can have a disastrous effect on business. Websites that detail horror-laced reports of being eaten alive by bed bugs during an overnight stay in a hotel or motel play on growing public hysteria about these blood-sucking parasites. Fanned by a blitz of media attention, an accusation can instantly damage a hotel's hard-earned reputation and frighten away guests.
According to the National Pest Management Association (NPMA), bed bug infestations have been reported in all 50 states. Nearly unheard of since near eradication by DDT-based insecticides in the 1950s, bed bugs are back and in ever-increasing numbers. Bed bug reports increased by 71% from 2000 to 2005 according to the NPMA. Most pest control companies now field dozens of calls a week each week. "The last 12 months have been particularly active," said Cindy Mannes, NPMA director of public affairs. "They are showing up like never before in hotels, hospitals, college dormitories, and multifamily housing units as well as single-family homes."
"Most hotel chains don't keep track because the number is so insignificant," said Joe McInerney of the American Hotel & Lodging Association said at the 2006 International Bed Bug Symposium when asked about the growing number of bed bug complaints in the hospitality industry. He noted that there are more than 4.4 million hotel rooms in the U.S., adding "you could count the number of cases per day on one or two hands." Yet according to a 2004 survey of pest control professionals by Pest Control Technology magazine, hotels and motels were the most common sites of bed bug infestations, accounting for more than one-third of bed bug complaints. In a recent survey, one company reported that 24% of their 700 client hotels required bed bug treatments between 2002 and 2006. Brooke Ferencsik, spokesman for popular hotel review site told USA Today, "We get a steady stream of bed bug reports and have hundreds of reviews" mentioning them. "Even if travelers aren't experiencing [bed bugs], they're becoming more aware and are looking out for them."
The resurgence of bed bugs has created a particularly vexing problem for the hospitality industry. Rooms that were pest-free one night can be infected by a guest the next. Legal experts have noticed a boom in bed bug litigation with guests suing hotels for millions of dollars. "Not only can a hotel get a terrible reputation for allowing the creepy crawly bed buddies to exist, but they can also lose out on a lot of dough," wrote a blogger on Some lawyers are actually trawling for bed bug clients. A notice on reads: "If you have been the victim of bed bug infestation, it may be important to contact an attorney who can help you protect your legal rights."
The financial impact of a bed bug suit can be substantial. In the 2003 landmark case (Matthias v. Accor Economy Lodging); Toronto siblings who stayed in a bed bug-infested motel room received a jury award of $382,000 in their suit against Motel 6. In 2006, a Chicago couple sued a Catskills resort for $20 million, saying they were physically and mentally scarred after suffering 500 bed bug bites. "I was horrified to see all of those bites all over my body," said plaintiff Leslie Fox. "I was miserable. My skin felt as if it was on fire and I wanted to tear it off." In 2007, New York opera star Allison Trainer sued the Hilton hotel chain for $6 million claiming she suffered more than 100 bed bug bites at a Hilton Suites in Phoenix. Her story was widely reported in the press: "They were all over the bed and the comforter and the pillows and I pulled the sheets off and they were just everywhere." Her attorney documented 150 bites and 23 scars. Just last month a New York Supreme Court judge ruled that two Maryland tourists bitten by bed bugs during a 2003 stay at the Milford Plaza could proceed with their $2 million negligence suit, though punitive damages were denied.
What you don't see is hotels suing guests who bring bed bugs with them. Adept hitchhikers, they enter hotel rooms in guests' luggage or on their clothing. Most won't leave with the guest; they'll nest in and near the bed awaiting the next occupant and their next meal. Bed bugs are not a sanitation issue. About the size of an apple seed, the tiny nocturnal pests are nuisance parasites that feed on human blood. They do not transmit disease but can cause considerable emotional distress. In about 50% of their victims, bed bug bites produce itchy red welts that may take two days to develop, complicating detection. Many hotel guests check out before an infestation is discovered. Prolific breeders, females can produce up to 500 eggs during their one-year lifespan.
Infestations can spread rapidly to adjoining rooms and those above and below an infested room. Bed bugs travel easily through vents, ducts, wall voids and electrical and plumbing conduits. They can be spread by housekeeping staff on clothing or carts. "A lot of people would be surprised by the hotels we're finding bed bugs at these days," said Dean Henry, a Seattle pest control technician. "People don't expect to see them at the higher end places."
Notoriously difficult to locate, bed bugs hide in tiny cracks and crevices on and near beds to be near their food source. They may harbor in the seams of mattresses; on furniture and drapes; behind wall hangings, baseboards and headboards; under the edges of carpeting; and inside light fixtures, electrical outlets and switch plates. Your best defense against bed bugs is daily inspection by a trained and knowledgeable housekeeping staff coupled with regular pest control inspections by a firm with an expertise in eliminating bed bugs.
1. Bed bugs are tough to kill. They have a hard cuticle for protection. Traditional treatment is to fumigate the room with chemicals known as pyrethroids, but pest control companies have come out with an arsenal of new services and products to fight bed bugs:
2. Specially trained dogs are being used to sniff out bed bugs. K-9 services provide initial detection and follow-up but not extermination. A trained dog can thoroughly investigate a room in two to three minutes, indicating areas to treat.
3. Cryonite kills bed bugs by freezing them with a non-toxic, environmentally-safe carbon dioxide vapor. The vapor is particularly effective in penetrating under furniture and into cracks and crevices where bed bugs hide. Unlike traditional pesticides, Cryonite kills bed bugs in all stages of development, including eggs, and is effective against pesticide-resistant bed bugs, German cockroaches, meal moths and other hard-to-kill pests. Since it leaving no poisonous residue, rooms can be used immediately after treatment.
4. ThermaPure uses giant heaters to heat rooms to a constant 120 to 140 degrees for several hours in an effort to bake bugs to death.
5. Bed bug proof mattress and box springs encasements protect your bedding investment from bed bug infestation.
The best way to keep bed bugs from getting your property listed on is through comprehensive education of housekeeping and support staff and professional pro-active prevention and through rapid treatment when bed bugs do appear.
Friday, September 16, 2011
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Thursday, September 15, 2011
If Those Insects Are Not Dying After 30-minutes, The Technician Failed To Use The Correct Mix.
Grape planting wouldn't have been the same without the presence of bug elimination measures. Such measures are used to keep the grape fruits free from any kind of illnesses and insects. This art of defending the grape cultivation is widely implemented for tiny scale as well as sizeable scale production. 30-minutes after the technician leaves, check the areas where he probably did any spraying for dead bodies.
It guarantees top quality fruit without any sort of contagions or damaging effects. If those insects are not dying after 30-minutes, the technician failed to use the correct mix. Call the company and make them aware. Cockroaches live in the walls, routinely near water sources, and keep clear of the light. For soft bodied insects a spray made out of hot pepper and garlic will do the job.
The commonest place to identify roaches is under a sink. Insects hate the way such spray tastes and feels. Soap water is a smart way to shed aphids. Maybe the simplest way is to get a test kit, but they aren't absolutely correct or all-embracing. Take some time to investigate every one of the corporations in your neighborhood. Yes it will take a while, a few hours on the web can net you all the info you want so you can call the right company the 1st time.
Used to you could not get shot of those unpleasant creatures without turning to oppressive chemicals and you would be instructed to keep tiny Johnny or Fido out of the area for a prescribed period of time. Today many pest management companies use new technologies and obstructions to get shot of those rodents or insects that are invading your house. Damages and bug elimination Measures the above types of pests have damaging effects on the grape cultivation. Many of those new extermination strategies are also safe on the environment. There also are several bug elimination measures available that help in protecting grapes from such pests. You can simply apply pest management measures and avoid the damage done by pests. While grape berry moths lay eggs on the grapes, and hatched eggs result in making holes in the fruit. The generally used insect control measure includes different sorts of pesticides.
Grape planting wouldn't have been the same without the presence of bug elimination measures. Such measures are used to keep the grape fruits free from any kind of illnesses and insects. This art of defending the grape cultivation is widely implemented for tiny scale as well as sizeable scale production. 30-minutes after the technician leaves, check the areas where he probably did any spraying for dead bodies.
It guarantees top quality fruit without any sort of contagions or damaging effects. If those insects are not dying after 30-minutes, the technician failed to use the correct mix. Call the company and make them aware. Cockroaches live in the walls, routinely near water sources, and keep clear of the light. For soft bodied insects a spray made out of hot pepper and garlic will do the job.
The commonest place to identify roaches is under a sink. Insects hate the way such spray tastes and feels. Soap water is a smart way to shed aphids. Maybe the simplest way is to get a test kit, but they aren't absolutely correct or all-embracing. Take some time to investigate every one of the corporations in your neighborhood. Yes it will take a while, a few hours on the web can net you all the info you want so you can call the right company the 1st time.
Used to you could not get shot of those unpleasant creatures without turning to oppressive chemicals and you would be instructed to keep tiny Johnny or Fido out of the area for a prescribed period of time. Today many pest management companies use new technologies and obstructions to get shot of those rodents or insects that are invading your house. Damages and bug elimination Measures the above types of pests have damaging effects on the grape cultivation. Many of those new extermination strategies are also safe on the environment. There also are several bug elimination measures available that help in protecting grapes from such pests. You can simply apply pest management measures and avoid the damage done by pests. While grape berry moths lay eggs on the grapes, and hatched eggs result in making holes in the fruit. The generally used insect control measure includes different sorts of pesticides.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Bed bugs - 36 facts about the tiny vampires
Bed bugs discredit shows that these are just off vampires, known for its blood sucking acts. These are some features of bugs and some tips to get rid of them:
1. The scientific name of bed bugs is Cimex lectularius.
2. These are small, Brown insects flat operate more frequently during the night.
3. All through the time of day these shoots of Li blood hidden in areas where people usually sleep during the night.
4 Have a body very small trained them so that they fit in the narrower space as possible, for example parts of headboards, mattresses, springs, etc..
5 Differs from the ants and bees, bed bugs do not congregate in the unique area.
6. The problems associated with bed bugs still can be found in the writings of Medieval Europe and the Greek classical period, which is Aristotle.
7 Bed bugs were quite known for its festivals of the wild birds and bats hosts.
8. This problem was also part of the problems before the second world war. This occurred mainly as hygiene and cleanliness in those days was extremely poor.
9 Mistakes almost disappeared during the Decade of 1940s and 1950s as a wide spread of different pesticide use was known at that time.
10. The less effective pesticides and reforms in the methods of pest control, then allowed this creature once again make a remarkable comeback and struck again as a plague society.
11. Usually adult bedbugs are wrong ticks and cockroaches.
12. Its size is approximately 1/4 inches in length along with bodies flat and hard.
13. This insect is able to move quickly on all surfaces such as floors, walls, roof, etc., but they cannot fly.
14. It is interesting to know that a woman bugs can lay up to 500 eggs in their lifetime and choose to hide in isolated areas, in order to take the step.
15. Always the eggs hatch, nymphs or baby errors develop fully to unwary great blood in only a month.
16 Fresh areas or places where there is absolutely no access to the blood could prolong their development time.
17. Nymphs can survive for several months with a a banquet and the adults chinches modified with a banquet for about a year.
18. Persons who are in deep sleep becomes the main objectives of bed bugs.
19. The person being bitten could not even noticed it then. The engorgement only lasts 3 minutes more or less.
20. Later are given account that have become food to bed bugs to notice the bite scars in the form of a red welt or Li swelling on the skin.
21. Persons who travel frequently often are very irregular in the cleaning of their beds. The usually land using bedding used and only come to know of the bugs in your bed.
22. However, is rather relief to realize is that bed bugs are not alarming to a threat of serious illness. There is a possibility very tiny that these errors can transmit some viruses harmful to humans.
23 Attempt to use antibiotic cream or some antiseptic on the infected area in order to avoid to any and all kinds of complications.
24. Try not to scratch the area never infected. Like mosquito bites, scratching the bed bugs bite I would add to the infection.
25. The fact that the bugs have been there for centuries now shows that, to date, human beings have not been able to develop any perfect way to control the growth of this creature.
26. The only way can suggest you here is to get in touch with the professional pest control services.
27. The very experienced professionals know surely skin outs of bed bugs.
28. To help pest troubleshooters, customers should be cleaning up the mess excess in their surroundings.
29. The inspectors should be forced to search the nearby rooms, such as bed bugs probably disperse in different areas of the building.
30 As bed tends to be the main breeding ground of errors, bed with holes and tears more likely containing eggs within or around it.
31. Pest control services generally advise clients simply have in their beds that it gets heavily infested or are in very bad condition.
32 Bed bugs in the place looking for the type of bed wanting to settle in, are on the hunt for a warm-blooded person. They occupy beds of hot blood people for a long time.
33. Other places where bed bugs love reside are egg foam, sleeping bags or carton of batteries lying on the ground.
34. In short, any & all places where sleeping humans serve as perfect areas for the bugs to settle.
35 Beds of water are not excluded from the list as bed bugs settle down in the corners and recesses of these beds as these rein hot corners.
36. In spite of the various alternatives for controlling bed bugs, they are here to stay and secure. Thus, the best of the best ways to keep out the bugs is to keep cleaning and maximum hygiene.
Bed bugs discredit shows that these are just off vampires, known for its blood sucking acts. These are some features of bugs and some tips to get rid of them:
1. The scientific name of bed bugs is Cimex lectularius.
2. These are small, Brown insects flat operate more frequently during the night.
3. All through the time of day these shoots of Li blood hidden in areas where people usually sleep during the night.
4 Have a body very small trained them so that they fit in the narrower space as possible, for example parts of headboards, mattresses, springs, etc..
5 Differs from the ants and bees, bed bugs do not congregate in the unique area.
6. The problems associated with bed bugs still can be found in the writings of Medieval Europe and the Greek classical period, which is Aristotle.
7 Bed bugs were quite known for its festivals of the wild birds and bats hosts.
8. This problem was also part of the problems before the second world war. This occurred mainly as hygiene and cleanliness in those days was extremely poor.
9 Mistakes almost disappeared during the Decade of 1940s and 1950s as a wide spread of different pesticide use was known at that time.
10. The less effective pesticides and reforms in the methods of pest control, then allowed this creature once again make a remarkable comeback and struck again as a plague society.
11. Usually adult bedbugs are wrong ticks and cockroaches.
12. Its size is approximately 1/4 inches in length along with bodies flat and hard.
13. This insect is able to move quickly on all surfaces such as floors, walls, roof, etc., but they cannot fly.
14. It is interesting to know that a woman bugs can lay up to 500 eggs in their lifetime and choose to hide in isolated areas, in order to take the step.
15. Always the eggs hatch, nymphs or baby errors develop fully to unwary great blood in only a month.
16 Fresh areas or places where there is absolutely no access to the blood could prolong their development time.
17. Nymphs can survive for several months with a a banquet and the adults chinches modified with a banquet for about a year.
18. Persons who are in deep sleep becomes the main objectives of bed bugs.
19. The person being bitten could not even noticed it then. The engorgement only lasts 3 minutes more or less.
20. Later are given account that have become food to bed bugs to notice the bite scars in the form of a red welt or Li swelling on the skin.
21. Persons who travel frequently often are very irregular in the cleaning of their beds. The usually land using bedding used and only come to know of the bugs in your bed.
22. However, is rather relief to realize is that bed bugs are not alarming to a threat of serious illness. There is a possibility very tiny that these errors can transmit some viruses harmful to humans.
23 Attempt to use antibiotic cream or some antiseptic on the infected area in order to avoid to any and all kinds of complications.
24. Try not to scratch the area never infected. Like mosquito bites, scratching the bed bugs bite I would add to the infection.
25. The fact that the bugs have been there for centuries now shows that, to date, human beings have not been able to develop any perfect way to control the growth of this creature.
26. The only way can suggest you here is to get in touch with the professional pest control services.
27. The very experienced professionals know surely skin outs of bed bugs.
28. To help pest troubleshooters, customers should be cleaning up the mess excess in their surroundings.
29. The inspectors should be forced to search the nearby rooms, such as bed bugs probably disperse in different areas of the building.
30 As bed tends to be the main breeding ground of errors, bed with holes and tears more likely containing eggs within or around it.
31. Pest control services generally advise clients simply have in their beds that it gets heavily infested or are in very bad condition.
32 Bed bugs in the place looking for the type of bed wanting to settle in, are on the hunt for a warm-blooded person. They occupy beds of hot blood people for a long time.
33. Other places where bed bugs love reside are egg foam, sleeping bags or carton of batteries lying on the ground.
34. In short, any & all places where sleeping humans serve as perfect areas for the bugs to settle.
35 Beds of water are not excluded from the list as bed bugs settle down in the corners and recesses of these beds as these rein hot corners.
36. In spite of the various alternatives for controlling bed bugs, they are here to stay and secure. Thus, the best of the best ways to keep out the bugs is to keep cleaning and maximum hygiene.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Kill bed bugs - read this to learn how to kill bed bugs!
Bed bugs have become one of the most irritating insects that bloom in modern households.
In United States, health experts and authorities to the insect infestation ended after the world war in the 1940s. But somehow, in the early 1990s, bed bugs resurfaced in local houses.
There are some elements who believe that they have led to recidivism. On the one hand, blamed on travelers from around the world.
As bugs disappeared in the country during those decades, on the contrary, they have, they proliferated in Europe, Africa and Asia.
The uncomfortableness caused by bed bugs
Bed bugs are mainly blamed for a series of skin discomfort. If you want to wake up one morning with swollen sides and red blood on her body, chances are have bitten you by bed bugs. You can have gave away about it while you you were sleeping.
Bed bugs are creatures petite, wingless tracked on surfaces of furniture, floors, walls and beds. They are so small that one can hardly see them with the naked eye.
Bugs live in the cracks and very small holes and cracks in floors, furniture, walls and ceiling. In addition, can even make your bed a great paradise and the stadium and finally consider the unlikely guest in their own bed.
Is that most of you, sure, want to kill every bed bugs that will cross the view.
But one thing, kill bed bugs is only as hard as effectively capturing or displaying them. Bed bugs out of their hiding overnight. They tend to hide and remain in their shelters during the day.
For this reason, find them is really a difficult task. You know that the hardest thing is to take care of small crawling creatures at night.
Kill bed bugs
Effectively kill bed bugs, there are a handful of guidelines and checklists should comply or follow.
For starters, you have to make sure that bed bugs there are really in suspicious areas. How could kill bed bugs if there are no bugs in the first place to kill?
Secondly, examine your room. Check the floor, wall and ceilings of small voids, cracks or holes that can be stored up or help as a place of concealment of these annoying insects.
Make a point to clean your room or at home in a way regulated, taking special care areas surmised. It is this concrete measure to ensure that bed bugs thrive not already or not choose to live with you.
There are a handful of pesticides which are effective to kill bugs and insects powders. These insects powders and pesticides are openly available and on sale in the market. You do not need any prescription or license to buy them.
Just make sure that you know how harmful and are poisonous. They can be really good in the death of bugs, but you can also accidentally kill you or other people can get them.
Nearly all insecticides that kill bed bugs come in the form of aerosols. This is because aerosols are the most efficient way to carry out harmful chemicals into the system a bed bugs.
No, the bugs are not killed by inhalant. They are too flexible in this Department. Aerosols are working to kill bugs destroying bugs of protective cover bed or skin.
To be able to kill bed bugs for that environment, the producers put silicon and glass granules powder spray. When they spray these powders insects, some of the white particles that spray out are actually these powder materials.
This fact makes sprays more dangerous to humans. Imagine what damage can cause him if breathed in such materials in powder form. It could lead to internal wounds and mild bleeding inside his body.
Effectively kill bed bugs, is recommended to seek the help of professional pest control experts. They better know that you do for certain when he tries to kill bugs and other pests.
Pest control companies to invest in training of personnel, the innovations and equipment to ensure the success of every operation of pest control. Even some of the teams can be unprofitable for you.
Experts in pest control killing bugs the safe and efficient manner. They better know how to handle certain pesticides and chemicals. It would reduce the health risks for you, your family and neighbors.
If you need help to get rid of bed bugs and they want to know how kill bed bugs make sure do not return and click on the link below for a complete guide on how to kill bed bugs fast!
Bed bugs have become one of the most irritating insects that bloom in modern households.
In United States, health experts and authorities to the insect infestation ended after the world war in the 1940s. But somehow, in the early 1990s, bed bugs resurfaced in local houses.
There are some elements who believe that they have led to recidivism. On the one hand, blamed on travelers from around the world.
As bugs disappeared in the country during those decades, on the contrary, they have, they proliferated in Europe, Africa and Asia.
The uncomfortableness caused by bed bugs
Bed bugs are mainly blamed for a series of skin discomfort. If you want to wake up one morning with swollen sides and red blood on her body, chances are have bitten you by bed bugs. You can have gave away about it while you you were sleeping.
Bed bugs are creatures petite, wingless tracked on surfaces of furniture, floors, walls and beds. They are so small that one can hardly see them with the naked eye.
Bugs live in the cracks and very small holes and cracks in floors, furniture, walls and ceiling. In addition, can even make your bed a great paradise and the stadium and finally consider the unlikely guest in their own bed.
Is that most of you, sure, want to kill every bed bugs that will cross the view.
But one thing, kill bed bugs is only as hard as effectively capturing or displaying them. Bed bugs out of their hiding overnight. They tend to hide and remain in their shelters during the day.
For this reason, find them is really a difficult task. You know that the hardest thing is to take care of small crawling creatures at night.
Kill bed bugs
Effectively kill bed bugs, there are a handful of guidelines and checklists should comply or follow.
For starters, you have to make sure that bed bugs there are really in suspicious areas. How could kill bed bugs if there are no bugs in the first place to kill?
Secondly, examine your room. Check the floor, wall and ceilings of small voids, cracks or holes that can be stored up or help as a place of concealment of these annoying insects.
Make a point to clean your room or at home in a way regulated, taking special care areas surmised. It is this concrete measure to ensure that bed bugs thrive not already or not choose to live with you.
There are a handful of pesticides which are effective to kill bugs and insects powders. These insects powders and pesticides are openly available and on sale in the market. You do not need any prescription or license to buy them.
Just make sure that you know how harmful and are poisonous. They can be really good in the death of bugs, but you can also accidentally kill you or other people can get them.
Nearly all insecticides that kill bed bugs come in the form of aerosols. This is because aerosols are the most efficient way to carry out harmful chemicals into the system a bed bugs.
No, the bugs are not killed by inhalant. They are too flexible in this Department. Aerosols are working to kill bugs destroying bugs of protective cover bed or skin.
To be able to kill bed bugs for that environment, the producers put silicon and glass granules powder spray. When they spray these powders insects, some of the white particles that spray out are actually these powder materials.
This fact makes sprays more dangerous to humans. Imagine what damage can cause him if breathed in such materials in powder form. It could lead to internal wounds and mild bleeding inside his body.
Effectively kill bed bugs, is recommended to seek the help of professional pest control experts. They better know that you do for certain when he tries to kill bugs and other pests.
Pest control companies to invest in training of personnel, the innovations and equipment to ensure the success of every operation of pest control. Even some of the teams can be unprofitable for you.
Experts in pest control killing bugs the safe and efficient manner. They better know how to handle certain pesticides and chemicals. It would reduce the health risks for you, your family and neighbors.
If you need help to get rid of bed bugs and they want to know how kill bed bugs make sure do not return and click on the link below for a complete guide on how to kill bed bugs fast!
Monday, September 12, 2011
What Do Bed Bugs Look Like?
Until now they ask, "is this a bed bug?"
The Web has many sources of images of bed bugs. Sometimes it may be difficult to find (like bed bugs Yes!), but that is what is about this article. Let me tell you about four of the best sources I've found.
That contains the grandfather of all of the web image database,
Google should be your first stop. Simply go to Google and search "bugs" and click on the images link. You face with hundreds of thousands of photos of bugs, bites and related things (almost 400,000 photos last time I checked). And here is an insider tip: the common scientific name of bed bugs is "Cimex lectularius." Search within this period, and will discover even more images.
Flicker has an enormous amount of photos published by victims of bed bugs. In addition to photos of bed bug bites, you will find a lot of life images with bed bugs: infested furniture, pest control operators and discarded mattresses.
Harvard public health school
An excellent source of photos, as well as general information about bed bugs. His collection of pictures of bedbugs tends to concentrate on aspects anatomical, with photos of eggs, nymphs (baby bugs), food and first flat mouthparts
The University of Toronto
It also has some excellent photos of bugs, although not much explanatory information. Many of the photos are illuminated, so it can actually see the insides of bed bugs. Yes, these dark areas in your abdomen are human blood.
These four sources should provide enough photos of bed bugs to help you decide if you've found it is a bed bugs or anything else. Just head to your favorite search engine, type the words "photos of bed bugs" and the name of the cited source. The link should be at the top of the list.
But let me leave you with a piece of advice: not everything which looks like a bed bug is a real chinches.
There are some that are in the same family as bed bugs and insects share similar behaviors like bed bugs. These include bat errors, swallow bugs and errors of chimney swift.
To the untrained eye, other pests seem to be bugs, but there are important differences. Know what kind of pest has is important, because these other bugs should be treated differently from bed bugs. Terminators majority will not be your home unless you know exactly what kind of error it is. But an expert can easily tell the difference
So any specimens that you find by dragging in the bedroom. Of course, to kill them, but keep the corpses. Her professional pest control may want to consider to determine exactly what it is biting.
I know that, at this point, you want to empty that thing down the toilet and get rid of him. But keeping it they save many problems later.
Until now they ask, "is this a bed bug?"
The Web has many sources of images of bed bugs. Sometimes it may be difficult to find (like bed bugs Yes!), but that is what is about this article. Let me tell you about four of the best sources I've found.
That contains the grandfather of all of the web image database,
Google should be your first stop. Simply go to Google and search "bugs" and click on the images link. You face with hundreds of thousands of photos of bugs, bites and related things (almost 400,000 photos last time I checked). And here is an insider tip: the common scientific name of bed bugs is "Cimex lectularius." Search within this period, and will discover even more images.
Flicker has an enormous amount of photos published by victims of bed bugs. In addition to photos of bed bug bites, you will find a lot of life images with bed bugs: infested furniture, pest control operators and discarded mattresses.
Harvard public health school
An excellent source of photos, as well as general information about bed bugs. His collection of pictures of bedbugs tends to concentrate on aspects anatomical, with photos of eggs, nymphs (baby bugs), food and first flat mouthparts
The University of Toronto
It also has some excellent photos of bugs, although not much explanatory information. Many of the photos are illuminated, so it can actually see the insides of bed bugs. Yes, these dark areas in your abdomen are human blood.
These four sources should provide enough photos of bed bugs to help you decide if you've found it is a bed bugs or anything else. Just head to your favorite search engine, type the words "photos of bed bugs" and the name of the cited source. The link should be at the top of the list.
But let me leave you with a piece of advice: not everything which looks like a bed bug is a real chinches.
There are some that are in the same family as bed bugs and insects share similar behaviors like bed bugs. These include bat errors, swallow bugs and errors of chimney swift.
To the untrained eye, other pests seem to be bugs, but there are important differences. Know what kind of pest has is important, because these other bugs should be treated differently from bed bugs. Terminators majority will not be your home unless you know exactly what kind of error it is. But an expert can easily tell the difference
So any specimens that you find by dragging in the bedroom. Of course, to kill them, but keep the corpses. Her professional pest control may want to consider to determine exactly what it is biting.
I know that, at this point, you want to empty that thing down the toilet and get rid of him. But keeping it they save many problems later.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Rest Easy Bed Bug Spray Twin Pack, Two 2-Ounce Bottles (Pack of 3)
>>> Click Here For a Special SALE Price at Amazon!
Rest Easy Bed Bug Spay is an All-Natural, Non-Pesticide, "GREEN" product with a unique blend of natural oils which kill and repel bed bugs, as well as other small insects.
The 2 ounce pump spray is convenient and an approved size for airline travel. Rest Easy is not a pesticide or an insecticide--so it's safe to use around children and pets.
The fresh scent is made with natural cinnamon oil will leave a pleasant aroma throughout the room. Just a few sprays around your bed, in your dresser drawers, and closets will kill and repel bed bugs for up to one full week.
While traveling, be sure to spray around the bed and hotel room before unpacking. We also recommend spraying on clothes and in luggage when leaving any hotel or motel. In the home it is recommended that you spray once a week or when as needed.
Click Here for a Special Discount Price from Amazon
>>> Click Here For a Special SALE Price at Amazon!
Rest Easy Bed Bug Spay is an All-Natural, Non-Pesticide, "GREEN" product with a unique blend of natural oils which kill and repel bed bugs, as well as other small insects.
The 2 ounce pump spray is convenient and an approved size for airline travel. Rest Easy is not a pesticide or an insecticide--so it's safe to use around children and pets.
The fresh scent is made with natural cinnamon oil will leave a pleasant aroma throughout the room. Just a few sprays around your bed, in your dresser drawers, and closets will kill and repel bed bugs for up to one full week.
While traveling, be sure to spray around the bed and hotel room before unpacking. We also recommend spraying on clothes and in luggage when leaving any hotel or motel. In the home it is recommended that you spray once a week or when as needed.
Click Here for a Special Discount Price from Amazon
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Dead Bed Bugs Treatment One Two Punch Pack :: Bed Bug Killer Spray & Bed Bug Powder
Dead bed bugs one two punch pack is part of our Bed bugs treatment product line. . Perfect to get started treating your home for Bed Bugs.Include- One 32 oz dead bed bugs contact killing spray is effective for eliminating bed bugs.On 7 oz safer bed bug, ant and crawling insect killer.
Dead Bed Bugs Treatment One Two Punch Pack Features
- (1) 32 oz dead bed bugs contact killing spray is effective for eliminating bed bugs.
- (1) 7 oz safer bed bug, ant and crawling insect killer.Dead bed bugs contact killing spray
- Manufactured to the Highest Quality Available.
- Satisfaction Ensured.
Dead bed bugs contact killing spray effectively combats bed bugs and eggs ON CONTACT. Unlike other pesticide options that are potentially toxic to your family and the environment dead bed bugs contact killing spray is eco-friendly and does not include harsh pesticides or carcinogens such as permethrins and pyrethrins.
Safer bed bug ant and crawling insect killer is made from a patented formula containing diatomaceous earth (DE) and selected baits. Insects come into contact with the powder and literally dry up and die within 48 hours. DE is an odorless non-staining powder that remains effective in the control of insects as long as it is present.
Click Here for a Special Discount Price from Amazon
Dead bed bugs one two punch pack is part of our Bed bugs treatment product line. . Perfect to get started treating your home for Bed Bugs.Include- One 32 oz dead bed bugs contact killing spray is effective for eliminating bed bugs.On 7 oz safer bed bug, ant and crawling insect killer.
Dead Bed Bugs Treatment One Two Punch Pack Features
- (1) 32 oz dead bed bugs contact killing spray is effective for eliminating bed bugs.
- (1) 7 oz safer bed bug, ant and crawling insect killer.Dead bed bugs contact killing spray
- Manufactured to the Highest Quality Available.
- Satisfaction Ensured.
Dead bed bugs contact killing spray effectively combats bed bugs and eggs ON CONTACT. Unlike other pesticide options that are potentially toxic to your family and the environment dead bed bugs contact killing spray is eco-friendly and does not include harsh pesticides or carcinogens such as permethrins and pyrethrins.
Safer bed bug ant and crawling insect killer is made from a patented formula containing diatomaceous earth (DE) and selected baits. Insects come into contact with the powder and literally dry up and die within 48 hours. DE is an odorless non-staining powder that remains effective in the control of insects as long as it is present.
Click Here for a Special Discount Price from Amazon
Friday, September 9, 2011
Rest Easy Bed Bug Spray - 2 Bottle Set
>>> Click Here For a Special SALE Price at Amazon!
Bed bugs can be a problem in even the nicest hotels and resorts. Protect yourself by spraying hotel beds and dressers with this highly effective, all-natural solution Traveling is one of the common ways to "pick up" bedbugs.After coming home from a trip, bedbugs are free to unpack themselves from your luggage and infest your home.
Rest Easy Bed bug Spray can help you avoid the bedbug infestation nightmare.
Features: - Twin pack - two 2 oz. bottles - Dorm, travel, hotel, or hostel uses - All Natural, Non-Pesticide or Chemical products - Environmentally Friendly Green Products - Child and pet safes - Can kill other small insects, such as bed mitess - Peace of mind at home or traveling - Convenient TSA Approved travel sizes - Pleasant Cinnamon aroma from natural extractss - Kills bugs within minutes of applications - Just a few sprays is effective for one full week
Click Here for a Special Discount Price from Amazon
>>> Click Here For a Special SALE Price at Amazon!
Bed bugs can be a problem in even the nicest hotels and resorts. Protect yourself by spraying hotel beds and dressers with this highly effective, all-natural solution Traveling is one of the common ways to "pick up" bedbugs.After coming home from a trip, bedbugs are free to unpack themselves from your luggage and infest your home.
Rest Easy Bed bug Spray can help you avoid the bedbug infestation nightmare.
Features: - Twin pack - two 2 oz. bottles - Dorm, travel, hotel, or hostel uses - All Natural, Non-Pesticide or Chemical products - Environmentally Friendly Green Products - Child and pet safes - Can kill other small insects, such as bed mitess - Peace of mind at home or traveling - Convenient TSA Approved travel sizes - Pleasant Cinnamon aroma from natural extractss - Kills bugs within minutes of applications - Just a few sprays is effective for one full week
Click Here for a Special Discount Price from Amazon
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Simple Plan for the disposal of bed bugs
Since being banned, DDT is no longer available because it was potentially killing and harming more things than just bugs. In its absence, there is a real shortage of effective pesticides to kill Bed Bugs.
Using other toxic pesticides is especially discouraged for use on or around beds or baby's nurseries. Use an eco friendly non toxic spray for active nests and anywhere you believe Bed Bugs are located.
This eco friendly Bed Bug living elimination strategy is simple but must be applied diligently to rid them. They hide well, they feed sporadically, Bed Bugs travel between apartments and on luggage, and they have become more resistant to standard dangerous pesticides.
1) Carefully inspect living areas on a routine basis, particularly in and around sleeping areas.
(2) Eco living friendly non-toxic Bed Bug spray elimination enzymes daily for at least three weeks under and around each bed (to break the reproduction cycle).
(3) Use living eco friendly Bed Bug Proof bedding encasements.
(4) Be anti-Bed Bud ready when traveling.
Where should you look for Beg Bugs? The short answer is everywhere! The long answer is that they can be found in and around the mattress, box spring, bed frame, head board, foot board, dresser, night stands, clocks, computers, pictures on the wall, baseboard. Look for brown specs on the mattress. This can be dried blood or fecal matter. Also look for dried skins that occur during the Bed Bug molting process.
Of the eco living friendly non toxic sprays that kill bed bugs on contact the best are FDA (GRAS) which means all contents are "Generally recognized as safe". You must be persistent.
If Bed Bugs are nesting within your bedding, it is a good decision to use eco living friendly mattress, box springs and pillow covers that encasement are laboratory tested for Bed Bugs. Mattresses and box springs can be semi-permanently encased within special eco living friendly Bed Bug proof mattress encasements. Once installed, inspect the encasements to ensure they are undamaged; If any holes or tears are found, these completely with tape permanent seal. Any bugs trapped within these sealed bags will eventually die. Continue to spray encasement surfaces. The easiest and best eco friendly Bed Bug living encasement products can now be found online. Many commercially available bedding covers are not Bed Bug proof.
RID bed bugs by thoroughly cleaning the infested rooms and then the entire residence. Strip bedding and thoroughly spray mist of non-toxic eco living friendly solution over every inch of all pillow, mattress, and frame surfaces. Allow to dry. Separate and flip mattress while spraying box springs, on top, sides and bottom.
Continue to spray non-toxic eco living friendly solution daily around base areas of your bed for at least three weeks. Also, spray immediate floor and wall areas daily. Bed Bug colonies can multiply in cracks, crevices, wall outlets (be careful of electric shock!), picture frames, old or used furniture, luggage, etc.
After three weeks, continue spraying bed surfaces when changing bedding. Always use Hot Water (areas with bleach when possible) setting when laundering sheets and pillowcases. Running heavier blankets and textiles articles through a HOT dryer cycle without washing (between professional cleanings) is also a very good idea.
Scrub infested surfaces with a stiff brush moistened with an eco living friendly solution to dislodge and destroy eggs, and use a powerful vacuum to remove as many bed bugs as possible from cracks and crevices. IDIS bed frames may expose additional bug hiding sites. Remove drawers from desks and dressers and turn furniture over, if possible, to inspect and clean all hiding spots.
To prevent bed bugs from crawling onto a bed, pull the bed frame away from the wall, tuck sheets and blankets so they won't contact the floor, and place the frame legs into dishes or cups of mineral oil and add an eco living friendly solution.
Carefully inspect each piece of home furniture. Look for Bed Bugs, eggs and skins. Check the furniture for holes or tears in the fabric. If you find any, the Bed Bugs may be so deep into the furniture that you may never treat them effectively.
Vacuum living areas regularly with a bag type vacuum so you can safely dispose after sealing. Wash all your clothes and sheets in hot water and store them in heavy duty plastic trash bags. Persistence is the key.
Caulk and seal all holes where pipes and wires penetrate walls and floor, and fill cracks around baseboards and cove moldings to further reduces Bed Bug nesting environments. Because Bed Bugs and other pests may spread through cracks and holes in the walls, ceilings and floors, it is wise for apartment/condominium dwellers to seek cooperation with neighbors and management to inspect and encourage treatment of adjoining apartments on the same floor as well as those directly above and below.
Don't panic. Although Bed Bugs can be annoying, they can be hidden safely and successfully if you adopt to well-considered strategy using non-toxic eco living friendly enzymes.
Be vigilant.
Whenever you stay at a hotel or motel, peel the sheets back and look at the corners of the mattress. If possible, look behind the head board for signs of the bugs. Don't put your luggage on the bed or leave it on the floor near the bed. Take to safe non toxic eco living friendly Bed Bug spray with you on all your travels. Spray your luggage before you re-pack your clothes.
Eco friendly living safe non toxic enzymes can also be used in bathwater to soak in it if you have a scabies or mite infestation in any areas of your body, it is completely safe but keep it out of your eyes. You can also add it to the washing machine to clean your clothes of personal many pests.
Each Bed Bug needs only one full blood meal to develop to the next developmental stage, and they can't wait months between feeding opportunities readily. Under ideal conditions, adult Bed Bugs can survive for more than one year between meals. Thus, infested residences should be aggressively managed to eliminate Bed Bugs in an eco friendly way living.
This information will help you to more effectively identify and safely manage to confirmed or suspected Bed Bug infestation. This article is published to assist homeowners, property managers, and tenants with safe eco living friendly non-toxic methods relevant to the identification and effective elimination of Bed Bugs.
Since being banned, DDT is no longer available because it was potentially killing and harming more things than just bugs. In its absence, there is a real shortage of effective pesticides to kill Bed Bugs.
Using other toxic pesticides is especially discouraged for use on or around beds or baby's nurseries. Use an eco friendly non toxic spray for active nests and anywhere you believe Bed Bugs are located.
This eco friendly Bed Bug living elimination strategy is simple but must be applied diligently to rid them. They hide well, they feed sporadically, Bed Bugs travel between apartments and on luggage, and they have become more resistant to standard dangerous pesticides.
1) Carefully inspect living areas on a routine basis, particularly in and around sleeping areas.
(2) Eco living friendly non-toxic Bed Bug spray elimination enzymes daily for at least three weeks under and around each bed (to break the reproduction cycle).
(3) Use living eco friendly Bed Bug Proof bedding encasements.
(4) Be anti-Bed Bud ready when traveling.
Where should you look for Beg Bugs? The short answer is everywhere! The long answer is that they can be found in and around the mattress, box spring, bed frame, head board, foot board, dresser, night stands, clocks, computers, pictures on the wall, baseboard. Look for brown specs on the mattress. This can be dried blood or fecal matter. Also look for dried skins that occur during the Bed Bug molting process.
Of the eco living friendly non toxic sprays that kill bed bugs on contact the best are FDA (GRAS) which means all contents are "Generally recognized as safe". You must be persistent.
If Bed Bugs are nesting within your bedding, it is a good decision to use eco living friendly mattress, box springs and pillow covers that encasement are laboratory tested for Bed Bugs. Mattresses and box springs can be semi-permanently encased within special eco living friendly Bed Bug proof mattress encasements. Once installed, inspect the encasements to ensure they are undamaged; If any holes or tears are found, these completely with tape permanent seal. Any bugs trapped within these sealed bags will eventually die. Continue to spray encasement surfaces. The easiest and best eco friendly Bed Bug living encasement products can now be found online. Many commercially available bedding covers are not Bed Bug proof.
RID bed bugs by thoroughly cleaning the infested rooms and then the entire residence. Strip bedding and thoroughly spray mist of non-toxic eco living friendly solution over every inch of all pillow, mattress, and frame surfaces. Allow to dry. Separate and flip mattress while spraying box springs, on top, sides and bottom.
Continue to spray non-toxic eco living friendly solution daily around base areas of your bed for at least three weeks. Also, spray immediate floor and wall areas daily. Bed Bug colonies can multiply in cracks, crevices, wall outlets (be careful of electric shock!), picture frames, old or used furniture, luggage, etc.
After three weeks, continue spraying bed surfaces when changing bedding. Always use Hot Water (areas with bleach when possible) setting when laundering sheets and pillowcases. Running heavier blankets and textiles articles through a HOT dryer cycle without washing (between professional cleanings) is also a very good idea.
Scrub infested surfaces with a stiff brush moistened with an eco living friendly solution to dislodge and destroy eggs, and use a powerful vacuum to remove as many bed bugs as possible from cracks and crevices. IDIS bed frames may expose additional bug hiding sites. Remove drawers from desks and dressers and turn furniture over, if possible, to inspect and clean all hiding spots.
To prevent bed bugs from crawling onto a bed, pull the bed frame away from the wall, tuck sheets and blankets so they won't contact the floor, and place the frame legs into dishes or cups of mineral oil and add an eco living friendly solution.
Carefully inspect each piece of home furniture. Look for Bed Bugs, eggs and skins. Check the furniture for holes or tears in the fabric. If you find any, the Bed Bugs may be so deep into the furniture that you may never treat them effectively.
Vacuum living areas regularly with a bag type vacuum so you can safely dispose after sealing. Wash all your clothes and sheets in hot water and store them in heavy duty plastic trash bags. Persistence is the key.
Caulk and seal all holes where pipes and wires penetrate walls and floor, and fill cracks around baseboards and cove moldings to further reduces Bed Bug nesting environments. Because Bed Bugs and other pests may spread through cracks and holes in the walls, ceilings and floors, it is wise for apartment/condominium dwellers to seek cooperation with neighbors and management to inspect and encourage treatment of adjoining apartments on the same floor as well as those directly above and below.
Don't panic. Although Bed Bugs can be annoying, they can be hidden safely and successfully if you adopt to well-considered strategy using non-toxic eco living friendly enzymes.
Be vigilant.
Whenever you stay at a hotel or motel, peel the sheets back and look at the corners of the mattress. If possible, look behind the head board for signs of the bugs. Don't put your luggage on the bed or leave it on the floor near the bed. Take to safe non toxic eco living friendly Bed Bug spray with you on all your travels. Spray your luggage before you re-pack your clothes.
Eco friendly living safe non toxic enzymes can also be used in bathwater to soak in it if you have a scabies or mite infestation in any areas of your body, it is completely safe but keep it out of your eyes. You can also add it to the washing machine to clean your clothes of personal many pests.
Each Bed Bug needs only one full blood meal to develop to the next developmental stage, and they can't wait months between feeding opportunities readily. Under ideal conditions, adult Bed Bugs can survive for more than one year between meals. Thus, infested residences should be aggressively managed to eliminate Bed Bugs in an eco friendly way living.
This information will help you to more effectively identify and safely manage to confirmed or suspected Bed Bug infestation. This article is published to assist homeowners, property managers, and tenants with safe eco living friendly non-toxic methods relevant to the identification and effective elimination of Bed Bugs.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Starting College? Attentive to bed bugs!
Bed bugs are making a comeback in America and college campuses are not immune to the attacks. Last year there have been outbreaks in the campus of the University and College in Ohio, Vermont, New Jersey, New York, California, Michigan and Tennessee. And those are only schools that have made the national news. Many schools are trying to keep the news of an infestation bugs hush hush. It is not exactly a good selling point for foreign students.
The bed bug infestations have increased dramatically in the past five years, so it is not unusual to campuses with their highly mobile populations affected. Reports of bugs by increased pest control companies 71 per cent between 2000 and 2005, according to the National Association of Administration pests (NPMA). In a national survey of companies in control of pests, entomologist of the University of Kentucky Michael Potter, an expert pointed out bugs, found, "a whopping 91% of respondents reported that their organizations had been found of bed bug infestations in the past two years." "Only 37 per cent said that they found the bugs more than five years ago."
Bed bugs have been reported in all 50 States, mostly in houses, apartments, hotels and motels. However, 2% of the infections reported last year have been in the University dormitories. "The past 12 months have been particularly active," Cindy Mannes, NPMA director of public affairs, pointed out last spring. "They are showing up as never before in hotels, hospitals, University residences and multi-family homes as well as single-family homes."
A millenarian plague, bedbugs, lice and fleas, were these common before World War II. The development of the pesticide DDT-based after the war enabled United States to put an end to these annoying pests; However, the bugs are still common in many parts of the world. The ban on DDT in the 1970s, along with an increase in travel around the world and the increase in pesticide-resistant bugs, has caused a resurgence of bedbugs in the world.
While they do not transmit diseases, bed bugs can traumatize their victims. The size of an Apple seed, bedbugs have flattened oval, wingless bodies are light to reddish brown in color. It feeds on human blood from three to 10 minutes at a time, nocturnal pests are a psychological blow out of proportion to its size. "They come in the dark;" they feed on you; them Carrero far turn on the light, "said Lynn Kimsey, director of the Bohart Museum of Entomology at the University of Davis." Not all victims react to bed bugs and their bites can leave welts bites, red. Victims can become nervous and with jumps, constantly feeling ghost bites, and skin tracking. "I have people calling me in tears," said Richard Pollack of the University of Harvard entomologist. "Are in hysterics".
Bed bugs are especially difficult to control in multi-unit buildings as dormitories. Tiny insects multiply rapidly; females normally eggs 500 during its life cycle of six to 12 months. Some bugs may lead to a major infestation in a short time. Did not attract dirt or food, bugs hitch a ride on a building in bags, clothes, clothes of bed, boxes or used furniture and rent. They spread easily in clothing and belongings, refurbished mattresses acquired by some schools and the construction of air ducts, electrical and plumbing, Elevator shafts ducts and empty of the wall of the students. If an infestation of bedbugs in a room is, it is likely rooms adjacent and rooms on the floors above and below will also be infected.
Filmmaker Atlanta Kyle Tekiela was shocked by the response when you register a black film of bed bugs in YouTube. "Students around the country sent me videos of their bedrooms", Tekiela said. "This one guy did a 360 where the roof meets the walls and a band of three inches of bed bugs around all the way."
Hard to kill, bugs are a hard cuticle for protection and can live more than one year without food. Hide in small cracks and crevices near beds of their victims. Household insecticides not kill bed bugs and can actually cause to spread. An increasing number of bugs has proven to be resistant to commonly used professional insecticides. Experts are resorting to new methods of extermination including Cryonite who kills bed bugs and their eggs by rapid freezing. Encasements of test bed bugs that prevent bed bugs infesting us mattresses are also in demand.
Bed bugs signs to look for when moved in your room:
Check the mattress, particularly seams and hives, bugs alive and dark fecal or blood stains.
Search for faecal smear or size Pearly pea egg deposits on the walls behind furniture, along baseboards, electrical panels and ventilation and plaster cracks.
Search white nymph molts and old exoskeleton along baseboards.
If you get chinches, what when you go home:
Do not unzip in the bedroom. Bring clothes and bed linen directly from the suitcase to the washer.
Jump in the shower and put the clothes in the washing machine.
Washing clothes in hot water and dry in the configuration more hot.
Sealing elements crayons in plastic bags and 120 degrees heat for 2 hours or freeze in 20 to 30 degrees for 2 weeks.
Bags and backpacks of vacuum and stored away from bedroom. Double bag the bag vacuum-packed in plastic and remove immediately from a container of trash outdoors.
Check leaves daily to detect signs of bed bugs and call in an expert in pest control if he sees one.
Bed bugs are making a comeback in America and college campuses are not immune to the attacks. Last year there have been outbreaks in the campus of the University and College in Ohio, Vermont, New Jersey, New York, California, Michigan and Tennessee. And those are only schools that have made the national news. Many schools are trying to keep the news of an infestation bugs hush hush. It is not exactly a good selling point for foreign students.
The bed bug infestations have increased dramatically in the past five years, so it is not unusual to campuses with their highly mobile populations affected. Reports of bugs by increased pest control companies 71 per cent between 2000 and 2005, according to the National Association of Administration pests (NPMA). In a national survey of companies in control of pests, entomologist of the University of Kentucky Michael Potter, an expert pointed out bugs, found, "a whopping 91% of respondents reported that their organizations had been found of bed bug infestations in the past two years." "Only 37 per cent said that they found the bugs more than five years ago."
Bed bugs have been reported in all 50 States, mostly in houses, apartments, hotels and motels. However, 2% of the infections reported last year have been in the University dormitories. "The past 12 months have been particularly active," Cindy Mannes, NPMA director of public affairs, pointed out last spring. "They are showing up as never before in hotels, hospitals, University residences and multi-family homes as well as single-family homes."
A millenarian plague, bedbugs, lice and fleas, were these common before World War II. The development of the pesticide DDT-based after the war enabled United States to put an end to these annoying pests; However, the bugs are still common in many parts of the world. The ban on DDT in the 1970s, along with an increase in travel around the world and the increase in pesticide-resistant bugs, has caused a resurgence of bedbugs in the world.
While they do not transmit diseases, bed bugs can traumatize their victims. The size of an Apple seed, bedbugs have flattened oval, wingless bodies are light to reddish brown in color. It feeds on human blood from three to 10 minutes at a time, nocturnal pests are a psychological blow out of proportion to its size. "They come in the dark;" they feed on you; them Carrero far turn on the light, "said Lynn Kimsey, director of the Bohart Museum of Entomology at the University of Davis." Not all victims react to bed bugs and their bites can leave welts bites, red. Victims can become nervous and with jumps, constantly feeling ghost bites, and skin tracking. "I have people calling me in tears," said Richard Pollack of the University of Harvard entomologist. "Are in hysterics".
Bed bugs are especially difficult to control in multi-unit buildings as dormitories. Tiny insects multiply rapidly; females normally eggs 500 during its life cycle of six to 12 months. Some bugs may lead to a major infestation in a short time. Did not attract dirt or food, bugs hitch a ride on a building in bags, clothes, clothes of bed, boxes or used furniture and rent. They spread easily in clothing and belongings, refurbished mattresses acquired by some schools and the construction of air ducts, electrical and plumbing, Elevator shafts ducts and empty of the wall of the students. If an infestation of bedbugs in a room is, it is likely rooms adjacent and rooms on the floors above and below will also be infected.
Filmmaker Atlanta Kyle Tekiela was shocked by the response when you register a black film of bed bugs in YouTube. "Students around the country sent me videos of their bedrooms", Tekiela said. "This one guy did a 360 where the roof meets the walls and a band of three inches of bed bugs around all the way."
Hard to kill, bugs are a hard cuticle for protection and can live more than one year without food. Hide in small cracks and crevices near beds of their victims. Household insecticides not kill bed bugs and can actually cause to spread. An increasing number of bugs has proven to be resistant to commonly used professional insecticides. Experts are resorting to new methods of extermination including Cryonite who kills bed bugs and their eggs by rapid freezing. Encasements of test bed bugs that prevent bed bugs infesting us mattresses are also in demand.
Bed bugs signs to look for when moved in your room:
Check the mattress, particularly seams and hives, bugs alive and dark fecal or blood stains.
Search for faecal smear or size Pearly pea egg deposits on the walls behind furniture, along baseboards, electrical panels and ventilation and plaster cracks.
Search white nymph molts and old exoskeleton along baseboards.
If you get chinches, what when you go home:
Do not unzip in the bedroom. Bring clothes and bed linen directly from the suitcase to the washer.
Jump in the shower and put the clothes in the washing machine.
Washing clothes in hot water and dry in the configuration more hot.
Sealing elements crayons in plastic bags and 120 degrees heat for 2 hours or freeze in 20 to 30 degrees for 2 weeks.
Bags and backpacks of vacuum and stored away from bedroom. Double bag the bag vacuum-packed in plastic and remove immediately from a container of trash outdoors.
Check leaves daily to detect signs of bed bugs and call in an expert in pest control if he sees one.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Learn to kill bed bugs - some things you should know first!
The day is not good. He had a horrible nightmare the night before. Peed in his bed. You are late on their appointment.
A morning how awful! This could be good. Then, his right arm started to get hot. Search field and relieved by scratching yourself.
The next minute, pica in his left knee, and then there is another place in your navel, his right elbow, his back, his butt. My god! Your whole body is itching!
Do what position horrible that could be!? If you've experienced, you probably have bugs in your bed or in your room.
As bed bugs cause too many problems and annoyances, it will certainly be eager to see how to kill bed bugs.
Kill bed bugs: know the objective
Firstly, you can not act impulsively and kill bed bugs right away. You have to know some facts about them shortly.
To begin with, so that you know that bed bugs are lice (what else could it be, anyway?). Bed bugs are tiny lice little but when fully mature, healthy and ageing chinches you can get as big as a quarter inch. Want to kill more, eh?
Bed bugs are so small, do not have wings. Therefore, to see if you have the opportunity of luck dragging in places to where prosper. Fortunately, they have no wings. Otherwise, I believe that the speed may encroach upon the entire city. You will also find more difficult to kill them, if ever they had wings.
These are some of the other trivial facts about bugs which arouse your emotions and make you want to kill more:
1 Bed bugs are one of the most unforgiving world insects. Even if correctly has died or annihilated them in your home, chances are, it will reappear another herd of bed bugs.
2 Bed bugs not only hide in small and very small cracks or fissures in the ground, walls, beds or furniture. They sleep in them. If you're too possessive, kill them, will you?
3 Bed bugs are nocturnal. This means that rarely look during the day, but can find creeping and wandering through the night. This is the time that they hunt to eat and suck blood from unsuspecting hosts or victims, like you. Kill them!
4 Bugs even without feeding blood can withstand and survive for more than one year. You can hide in that long period to ensure their survival.
5 Bed bugs are good travelers because they usually thrive in luggage, bags or luggage. Therefore, it is not inconceivable that a cheque for bed bugs will find the existence of bedbugs in cruise ships, vehicles, aircraft, hotels and motels even.
6. In the course of his lifetime, bugs females can lay eggs three times. A woman bugs can put around 300 eggs per batch. So fill quickly, eh? Try to bring down the population killing some.
7 Bugs of eggs may be delivered within 10 days. Incredible! That is too fast. No question, they spread like bunnies! They multiply rapidly, but the small number of its population it is no coincidence. Therefore, it must work and make sure that killing a considerable number of them.
How to kill bed bugs: doing the action
After recognizing what know little, will be time to finally start the mission - to kill bed bugs.
No one will say that it is going to be easy the task of killing bed bugs. Kill bugs always be challenging, because find and identify its Habitat and hide databases already will be a tough act.
The best way to kill bed bugs is to prevent your hands making the crime. Hiring a professional pest control, which can be considered murderous bugs or triggermen in the jargon of kill bed bugs.
Pest control professionals know what they are doing and they know that you weapon used to ensure the completion of the work.
You shall not kill, according to the Bible, but should be done. If it means killing, kill bed bugs. Isn't it?
The day is not good. He had a horrible nightmare the night before. Peed in his bed. You are late on their appointment.
A morning how awful! This could be good. Then, his right arm started to get hot. Search field and relieved by scratching yourself.
The next minute, pica in his left knee, and then there is another place in your navel, his right elbow, his back, his butt. My god! Your whole body is itching!
Do what position horrible that could be!? If you've experienced, you probably have bugs in your bed or in your room.
As bed bugs cause too many problems and annoyances, it will certainly be eager to see how to kill bed bugs.
Kill bed bugs: know the objective
Firstly, you can not act impulsively and kill bed bugs right away. You have to know some facts about them shortly.
To begin with, so that you know that bed bugs are lice (what else could it be, anyway?). Bed bugs are tiny lice little but when fully mature, healthy and ageing chinches you can get as big as a quarter inch. Want to kill more, eh?
Bed bugs are so small, do not have wings. Therefore, to see if you have the opportunity of luck dragging in places to where prosper. Fortunately, they have no wings. Otherwise, I believe that the speed may encroach upon the entire city. You will also find more difficult to kill them, if ever they had wings.
These are some of the other trivial facts about bugs which arouse your emotions and make you want to kill more:
1 Bed bugs are one of the most unforgiving world insects. Even if correctly has died or annihilated them in your home, chances are, it will reappear another herd of bed bugs.
2 Bed bugs not only hide in small and very small cracks or fissures in the ground, walls, beds or furniture. They sleep in them. If you're too possessive, kill them, will you?
3 Bed bugs are nocturnal. This means that rarely look during the day, but can find creeping and wandering through the night. This is the time that they hunt to eat and suck blood from unsuspecting hosts or victims, like you. Kill them!
4 Bugs even without feeding blood can withstand and survive for more than one year. You can hide in that long period to ensure their survival.
5 Bed bugs are good travelers because they usually thrive in luggage, bags or luggage. Therefore, it is not inconceivable that a cheque for bed bugs will find the existence of bedbugs in cruise ships, vehicles, aircraft, hotels and motels even.
6. In the course of his lifetime, bugs females can lay eggs three times. A woman bugs can put around 300 eggs per batch. So fill quickly, eh? Try to bring down the population killing some.
7 Bugs of eggs may be delivered within 10 days. Incredible! That is too fast. No question, they spread like bunnies! They multiply rapidly, but the small number of its population it is no coincidence. Therefore, it must work and make sure that killing a considerable number of them.
How to kill bed bugs: doing the action
After recognizing what know little, will be time to finally start the mission - to kill bed bugs.
No one will say that it is going to be easy the task of killing bed bugs. Kill bugs always be challenging, because find and identify its Habitat and hide databases already will be a tough act.
The best way to kill bed bugs is to prevent your hands making the crime. Hiring a professional pest control, which can be considered murderous bugs or triggermen in the jargon of kill bed bugs.
Pest control professionals know what they are doing and they know that you weapon used to ensure the completion of the work.
You shall not kill, according to the Bible, but should be done. If it means killing, kill bed bugs. Isn't it?
Saturday, August 27, 2011
All About Bed Bugs
Bed bugs are a pest resistant and resistant, despised as much as they have been found. Get rid of bed bugs has been a documented problem already in medieval times in Europe or during the time of Aristotle, in Greece. Bed bugs are intelligent creatures who opt for when the destination less known attack often when a person is fast asleep, aware of her silent attacker. Each person will have their own version of a bed bug history and will probably be bad.
More information on this lovely creature tells us that bed bugs are known scientifically as "Cimex lectularius". They are wings with a color Brown, ultraslim body. Several studies suggest these creatures originated in Asia, but unfortunately, it can now be seen in all parts of the world. Bed bugs thrive in areas with a warm and dry weather, but have been able to invade the heated regions of the North due to the proliferation of buildings. So it is something to say about life in a cold Chamber. Heating keeps you and your family roasted; also bed bugs!
Adult bedbugs is ? 3/8 in length when are unfed, but its size will expand considerably after an abundant meal. (Just like a human after a dinner buffet!) A hungry bugs seems much more different as compared to one that is well fed. Young you chinches or nymphs resemble adults, but have a yellowish color after moult. A nymph can become a bugs fully grown as fast as a month depending on how much it is able to eat, it is not the most pleasant of thoughts.
When they become a plague
Bed bugs starts to become a problem when they are hungry for blood, though frankly they will never be particularly desirable resident at his home. Generally speaking, stay in their homes between meals and only are forced to leave if they are starving. The heat from a nearby body is what attracts them can detect a power supply up to approximately 5 - 10 cm distance.
Bed bugs use their highly developed mouthparts to bite and suck blood from the skin of a confident person. Engorgement time can last up to seven minutes or just a minute. An adult bugs can absorb about seven times their own weight in blood. Bed bugs immediately retires to his hideout after a banquet and then lays eggs again.
A person only realize has been bitten by a bed bug once he discovers the welts on the affected part of the body. These welts eventually become a trademark of tiny reading which will remain for at least two or three days.
Bed bugs bites can also be distinguished for the orderly manner the welts are formed, in contrast to stings of mosquitoes that have a random pattern. It is always recommended that the affected area should never be lined to prevent infection and immediately washed with SOAP and water.
Bed bugs prefer to any part of the body that has good blood flow as well that, unfortunately, the reproductive organs is always included in its list of duty stations.
' Em resolve errors
Treatment of bites from bed bugs is only a small part of the solution of the problem, as the next step is to actually get rid of these unwanted visitors. Those who often travel to areas with a tropical climate are very susceptible to of bed bug infestations, as baggage carry could become your new home. See tracking bugs in boxes, suitcases and belongings is very difficult, since they are small, agile and cryptic. The use of infested houses or second-hand furniture, beds, sofas still could not inherit this problem.
Those who want to get rid of bed bugs in beds will be a difficult task at hand. Fabrics with holes and tears are perfect locations for them lay their eggs. During the 1940s and 50 refers to the use of DDT, which was developed as the first modern insecticide early in World War II, was popular, helped reduce the spread of pests of bed bugs, but was eventually banned due to the on its effects on human beings.
Pest control companies have a wide array instruments to help rid of begging errors ranging from pesticides, sprays and other chemical agents. Beds in poor conditions or heavily infested should be automatically discarded. Regardless if the bed is expelled or, shut the box spring and mattress is not very useful, especially if the errors persist.
Vacuuming can also help get rid of bed bugs, and some experts in pest control even used portable steam engines for the treatment of beds. If the infestation is minor or major, bed bugs are always a plague especially for those who want to get a good night sleep in. Perhaps the most effective way to avoid a problem of bed bugs is good hygiene practice and observe cleaning.
Bed bugs are a pest resistant and resistant, despised as much as they have been found. Get rid of bed bugs has been a documented problem already in medieval times in Europe or during the time of Aristotle, in Greece. Bed bugs are intelligent creatures who opt for when the destination less known attack often when a person is fast asleep, aware of her silent attacker. Each person will have their own version of a bed bug history and will probably be bad.
More information on this lovely creature tells us that bed bugs are known scientifically as "Cimex lectularius". They are wings with a color Brown, ultraslim body. Several studies suggest these creatures originated in Asia, but unfortunately, it can now be seen in all parts of the world. Bed bugs thrive in areas with a warm and dry weather, but have been able to invade the heated regions of the North due to the proliferation of buildings. So it is something to say about life in a cold Chamber. Heating keeps you and your family roasted; also bed bugs!
Adult bedbugs is ? 3/8 in length when are unfed, but its size will expand considerably after an abundant meal. (Just like a human after a dinner buffet!) A hungry bugs seems much more different as compared to one that is well fed. Young you chinches or nymphs resemble adults, but have a yellowish color after moult. A nymph can become a bugs fully grown as fast as a month depending on how much it is able to eat, it is not the most pleasant of thoughts.
When they become a plague
Bed bugs starts to become a problem when they are hungry for blood, though frankly they will never be particularly desirable resident at his home. Generally speaking, stay in their homes between meals and only are forced to leave if they are starving. The heat from a nearby body is what attracts them can detect a power supply up to approximately 5 - 10 cm distance.
Bed bugs use their highly developed mouthparts to bite and suck blood from the skin of a confident person. Engorgement time can last up to seven minutes or just a minute. An adult bugs can absorb about seven times their own weight in blood. Bed bugs immediately retires to his hideout after a banquet and then lays eggs again.
A person only realize has been bitten by a bed bug once he discovers the welts on the affected part of the body. These welts eventually become a trademark of tiny reading which will remain for at least two or three days.
Bed bugs bites can also be distinguished for the orderly manner the welts are formed, in contrast to stings of mosquitoes that have a random pattern. It is always recommended that the affected area should never be lined to prevent infection and immediately washed with SOAP and water.
Bed bugs prefer to any part of the body that has good blood flow as well that, unfortunately, the reproductive organs is always included in its list of duty stations.
' Em resolve errors
Treatment of bites from bed bugs is only a small part of the solution of the problem, as the next step is to actually get rid of these unwanted visitors. Those who often travel to areas with a tropical climate are very susceptible to of bed bug infestations, as baggage carry could become your new home. See tracking bugs in boxes, suitcases and belongings is very difficult, since they are small, agile and cryptic. The use of infested houses or second-hand furniture, beds, sofas still could not inherit this problem.
Those who want to get rid of bed bugs in beds will be a difficult task at hand. Fabrics with holes and tears are perfect locations for them lay their eggs. During the 1940s and 50 refers to the use of DDT, which was developed as the first modern insecticide early in World War II, was popular, helped reduce the spread of pests of bed bugs, but was eventually banned due to the on its effects on human beings.
Pest control companies have a wide array instruments to help rid of begging errors ranging from pesticides, sprays and other chemical agents. Beds in poor conditions or heavily infested should be automatically discarded. Regardless if the bed is expelled or, shut the box spring and mattress is not very useful, especially if the errors persist.
Vacuuming can also help get rid of bed bugs, and some experts in pest control even used portable steam engines for the treatment of beds. If the infestation is minor or major, bed bugs are always a plague especially for those who want to get a good night sleep in. Perhaps the most effective way to avoid a problem of bed bugs is good hygiene practice and observe cleaning.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Bedbug Party

Track listing:
1. Last Exit (2011 Remaster)
2. Spin The Black Circle (2011 Remaster)
3. Not For You (2011 Remaster)
4. Tremor Christ (2011 Remaster)
5. Nothingman (2011 Remaster)
6. Whipping (2011 Remaster)
7. Pry, To (2011 Remaster)
8. Corduroy (2011 Remaster)
9. Bugs (2011 Remaster)
10. Satan's Bed (2011 Remaster)
11. Better Man (2011 Remaster)
12. Aya Davanita (2011 Remaster)
13. Immortality (2011 Remaster)
14. Hey Foxymophandlemama, That's Me (2011 Remaster)
15. Better Man (guitar/organ only, previously unreleased)
16. Corduroy (alternative take, previously unreleased)
17. Nothingman (demo, previously unreleased)

Track listing:
1. Last Exit (2011 Remaster)
2. Spin The Black Circle (2011 Remaster)
3. Not For You (2011 Remaster)
4. Tremor Christ (2011 Remaster)
5. Nothingman (2011 Remaster)
6. Whipping (2011 Remaster)
7. Pry, To (2011 Remaster)
8. Corduroy (2011 Remaster)
9. Bugs (2011 Remaster)
10. Satan's Bed (2011 Remaster)
11. Better Man (2011 Remaster)
12. Aya Davanita (2011 Remaster)
13. Immortality (2011 Remaster)
14. Hey Foxymophandlemama, That's Me (2011 Remaster)
15. Better Man (guitar/organ only, previously unreleased)
16. Corduroy (alternative take, previously unreleased)
17. Nothingman (demo, previously unreleased)
Thursday, August 25, 2011
How To Isolate Your bed For Bedbugs
Isolating your bed basically means cleaning the bed bugs off your mattress and linens, and then building traps that prevent remaining bed bugs in the room from crawling up the legs of your bed and re-infesting it. Isolating your bed won't get rid of your bed bug problem, but you will be able to sleep again at night.
Before We Get Started...
Your bed bug exterminator should get involved in this process. Exterminators have chemicals that kill any bed bugs hiding on your mattress, box spring, headboard and frame. So, depending on what your pest control tech tells you, some of these steps may not be necessary for you to do on your own. Again, clear the following plan with the expert before you begin.
What You'll Need
Zippered dust-mite encasements for your mattress, box spring and pillows. These are basically large bags that are designed to keep dust mites inside the encasement - but they also keep bed bugs inside. Find them at allergy supply stores. Wide duct tape. Contractor grade trash bags (not lawn and leaf bags, but the thick contractor grade trash bags, at least two or three mils thick). Wide double-sided tape. Bed lifts to raise your bed off the ground (these are little stands that you set the legs of your bed frame into to raise it off the ground). Find them at your local bedding/linen store. Note that if your frame is already fairly high off the ground (like a foot or more), you don't need the risers. Four metal bowls large enough to place the bed lifts in (heavy duty plastic bowls are fine, too. Either way, they have to be unbreakable). Pet stores have nice metal bowls that are ideal for this. XXL Ziploc bags Food-grade freshwater diatomaceous earth. Also known as DE, diatomaceous earth is an abrasive mineral powder that kills bed bugs and other crawling insects by scratching open their skins, which dehydrates them (they die after a day or two). This stuff is razor wire for bed bugs - they will be able to crawl through it, but the damage they suffer is deadly. You can get DE everywhere: online, your local garden center (gardeners use it to kill pests, sometimes marketed as ant killer), or pet supply stores (food grade stuff is sprinkled on pets to kill fleas). Make sure you don't get swimming pool grade diatomaceous earth - that is the wrong stuff. Also, get a dust mask while you are at Home Depot - you'll wear it as you are dusting around your bed. A note about DE: While considered generally safe, you need to carefully read the label and follow all safety instructions. Wear a dust mask or respirator when applying. Murphy's Oil Soap. Murphy's is a wood cleaner made by Colgate-Palmolive that also has pesticide properties. You can find it everywhere. Buy the spray bottle. A new set of white sheets, pillowcases and covers. You are going to replace your existing bedding with new white linens, to better spot any fresh bed bug fecal spots or blood. New pillows: Your current ones might be infested, so let's start over with new ones. Optional: Something that kills bed bugs on contact. Rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle will do it. You can dilute the alcohol with a bit of water to make it last longer - 9 parts alcohol, 1 part water.
What to Do
Step 1: Clean your Linens and Bedding
First you need to pull all the bedding off your bed - sheets, mattress cover, comforter, pillows and pillow cases. Everything. These are infested with bed bugs, so you need to immediately stuff them into the trash bags and tie the bags off.
Now wash every item in hot water. Don't let those infested linens touch other linens or clothing items. Then dry them on high (at least 140 degrees) for 4 hours, or two complete drying cycles. When done, put each item into an XXL Ziploc and seal it.
Put your pillows in a contractor bag, seal it, and throw it in the trash. Cleaning a pillow thoroughly is tough, so you're better off starting with a new one.
Step 2: Vacuum Your Mattress and Box Spring
You are now going to clean the mattress and box spring of any bed bugs, eggs, or larvae.
Get out you vacuum cleaner and clean EVERY INCH of your mattress. Scraping the end of the vacuum attachment vigorously over the harborage area is better than using a brush, because the bugs cling tightly to the surface, and the eggs are cemented to it. Clean every inch of the surface, the tufts along the edges, and the sides of the mattress. Lean it against the wall and vacuum the other side.
Clean the box spring just as carefully. Tear that flimsy dust cover fabric off the bottom, seal it in a plastic bag and throw it away. Vacuum the insides, making sure to get every bit of fabric, as well as the wooden frames and support.
When you are done vacuuming, remove the bag from the vacuum, seal it in a plastic garbage bag, and throw it out. The vacuum bag will have bed bugs in it, and you don't want them to crawl out.
Step 3: Clean the Bed Frame
If you have a metal frame, you are in luck, because these are fairly easy to clean. Grab the vacuum and clean all the nooks and crannies. Pay special attention to inside corners, joints, the areas where the wheels attach to the frame - any dark little corners where bed bugs might hide.
Spray it down with rubbing alcohol to kill anything you missed. Use caulk or duct tape to fill in any holes or gaps between the metal pieces (bed bugs hide in the holes and joints).
If there are any hollow areas in your bed frame (sometimes, the legs are hollow), those are perfect places for the bed bugs to hide. Spray the interior with alcohol and vacuum them out.
If you have a headboard, you should get rid of it. The headboard is one of the most likely places the bugs will hide and lay eggs, and if you have one, I can pretty much guarantee you that it has bed bugs hiding on it. Put it in a plastic bag, carry it to the dumpster, spray paint the words BED BUGS on the package, and throw it in. (It is important to wrap the headboard in plastic before it leaves your bedroom. You don't want any bugs jumping off in the hallway on the way to the door.)
If you have a wooden bedframe, you need to disassemble it, and wash it down with Murphy's Oil Soap. Once you have the frame disassembled, vacuum it like you did with your mattress and box spring. You may need to use a stiff brush to dislodge any eggs or bed bugs in the nooks and crannies. Now spray the Murphy's onto the frame, making sure to spray it into every cracks and crevice.
Step 4: Clean and Prepare the Floor Around Your Bed
When you reassemble the bed, you have to position it away from the walls and furniture, so bed bugs don't have anything to use as a bridge to reinfest your bed. Usually, the best place is to position the bed toward the center of the room and the night stand or tables away from it.
Carefully vacuum the floor in the area under the bed. If you have any carpets or rugs, I think you should roll them up, put them in the trash bag, seal the bag tightly and put it in the garage or storage for the next 18 months. But consult with your bed bug exterminator. Rugs can be treated by with chemicals, so it's your call as to what to do.
Sprinkle the floor you just cleaned with a light dusting of DE. Don't make piles, just use a baby powder bottle or some other plastic bottle that can puff out a very light layer of the stuff.
Warning: DE is almost lighter than air, and it takes some practice to get used to. As with any pest control product, READ THE LABEL AND FOLLOW ALL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS. Wear a dust mask or respirator when applying.
Step 5: Reassemble the Bed Frame
Now reassemble your bed frame and move it to the middle of the room, over your dust field. Put the legs of the bed frame on the lifters, and put the lifters in the bowls. In other words, the bowl is on the floor, the lifter is in the bowl, and the bed frame is on the lifter.
Wrap plastic wrap around the legs of your bed (regular Saran Wrap is fine for this), then wrap double sided tape over the plastic wrap to catch any bed bugs crawling up.
For additional protection, spread Vaseline on the legs above and below the double sided tape. This is an old trick from the turn of the century, and another obstacle to gum up any bed bugs trying to crawl into your bed.
Put the encasement over the box spring. Put the box spring on the frame. Make sure you don't tear the encasement! Cover the zippered seam of the case with duct tape. Use a lot of tape, and extend it four to six inches from the end of the zipper. You are taping up the zipper because baby bed bugs are tiny, and can slip through the teeth of the zipper.
Gently put the mattress on the box spring. Gently pull the casing over it, and tape the zippers shut.
Now it is time to fill the bowls with soapy water. Bed bugs cannot traverse soapy water, so this becomes like a little moat, protecting the legs of your bed.
Put your new white sheets on the bed, over the encasements. With new sheets, you'll be able to see any blood spots, fecal stains, or crushed bed bugs that might have penetrated your defenses.
Step 6: Securing the Perimeter
Put down a three or four inch wide circle of double-sided carpet tape on the floor around your entire bed (be sure that you vacuumed within this area. If you didn't, do it now). This way, any bed bugs crawling from outside of your fortress will get caught in the tape.
And finally, be sure you have a dusting of DE extending 12 inches around the soapy water-filled bowls. You want to be sure that any bugs that try to get up those bowls have to go through the DE first. Again, this should only be a dusting of DE. You should not see much whiteness at all - thinner is better. Any more than that, and it won't work.
And you're done! Feels good to be taking the offensive, doesn't it? If everything works as planned, you've cleared the bed bugs off your bed, any that you missed are encased inside the mite cover, and the bed bugs elsewhere in the room will be unable to get into your bed. Finally, a chance to sleep!
Isolating your bed basically means cleaning the bed bugs off your mattress and linens, and then building traps that prevent remaining bed bugs in the room from crawling up the legs of your bed and re-infesting it. Isolating your bed won't get rid of your bed bug problem, but you will be able to sleep again at night.
Before We Get Started...
Your bed bug exterminator should get involved in this process. Exterminators have chemicals that kill any bed bugs hiding on your mattress, box spring, headboard and frame. So, depending on what your pest control tech tells you, some of these steps may not be necessary for you to do on your own. Again, clear the following plan with the expert before you begin.
What You'll Need
Zippered dust-mite encasements for your mattress, box spring and pillows. These are basically large bags that are designed to keep dust mites inside the encasement - but they also keep bed bugs inside. Find them at allergy supply stores. Wide duct tape. Contractor grade trash bags (not lawn and leaf bags, but the thick contractor grade trash bags, at least two or three mils thick). Wide double-sided tape. Bed lifts to raise your bed off the ground (these are little stands that you set the legs of your bed frame into to raise it off the ground). Find them at your local bedding/linen store. Note that if your frame is already fairly high off the ground (like a foot or more), you don't need the risers. Four metal bowls large enough to place the bed lifts in (heavy duty plastic bowls are fine, too. Either way, they have to be unbreakable). Pet stores have nice metal bowls that are ideal for this. XXL Ziploc bags Food-grade freshwater diatomaceous earth. Also known as DE, diatomaceous earth is an abrasive mineral powder that kills bed bugs and other crawling insects by scratching open their skins, which dehydrates them (they die after a day or two). This stuff is razor wire for bed bugs - they will be able to crawl through it, but the damage they suffer is deadly. You can get DE everywhere: online, your local garden center (gardeners use it to kill pests, sometimes marketed as ant killer), or pet supply stores (food grade stuff is sprinkled on pets to kill fleas). Make sure you don't get swimming pool grade diatomaceous earth - that is the wrong stuff. Also, get a dust mask while you are at Home Depot - you'll wear it as you are dusting around your bed. A note about DE: While considered generally safe, you need to carefully read the label and follow all safety instructions. Wear a dust mask or respirator when applying. Murphy's Oil Soap. Murphy's is a wood cleaner made by Colgate-Palmolive that also has pesticide properties. You can find it everywhere. Buy the spray bottle. A new set of white sheets, pillowcases and covers. You are going to replace your existing bedding with new white linens, to better spot any fresh bed bug fecal spots or blood. New pillows: Your current ones might be infested, so let's start over with new ones. Optional: Something that kills bed bugs on contact. Rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle will do it. You can dilute the alcohol with a bit of water to make it last longer - 9 parts alcohol, 1 part water.
What to Do
Step 1: Clean your Linens and Bedding
First you need to pull all the bedding off your bed - sheets, mattress cover, comforter, pillows and pillow cases. Everything. These are infested with bed bugs, so you need to immediately stuff them into the trash bags and tie the bags off.
Now wash every item in hot water. Don't let those infested linens touch other linens or clothing items. Then dry them on high (at least 140 degrees) for 4 hours, or two complete drying cycles. When done, put each item into an XXL Ziploc and seal it.
Put your pillows in a contractor bag, seal it, and throw it in the trash. Cleaning a pillow thoroughly is tough, so you're better off starting with a new one.
Step 2: Vacuum Your Mattress and Box Spring
You are now going to clean the mattress and box spring of any bed bugs, eggs, or larvae.
Get out you vacuum cleaner and clean EVERY INCH of your mattress. Scraping the end of the vacuum attachment vigorously over the harborage area is better than using a brush, because the bugs cling tightly to the surface, and the eggs are cemented to it. Clean every inch of the surface, the tufts along the edges, and the sides of the mattress. Lean it against the wall and vacuum the other side.
Clean the box spring just as carefully. Tear that flimsy dust cover fabric off the bottom, seal it in a plastic bag and throw it away. Vacuum the insides, making sure to get every bit of fabric, as well as the wooden frames and support.
When you are done vacuuming, remove the bag from the vacuum, seal it in a plastic garbage bag, and throw it out. The vacuum bag will have bed bugs in it, and you don't want them to crawl out.
Step 3: Clean the Bed Frame
If you have a metal frame, you are in luck, because these are fairly easy to clean. Grab the vacuum and clean all the nooks and crannies. Pay special attention to inside corners, joints, the areas where the wheels attach to the frame - any dark little corners where bed bugs might hide.
Spray it down with rubbing alcohol to kill anything you missed. Use caulk or duct tape to fill in any holes or gaps between the metal pieces (bed bugs hide in the holes and joints).
If there are any hollow areas in your bed frame (sometimes, the legs are hollow), those are perfect places for the bed bugs to hide. Spray the interior with alcohol and vacuum them out.
If you have a headboard, you should get rid of it. The headboard is one of the most likely places the bugs will hide and lay eggs, and if you have one, I can pretty much guarantee you that it has bed bugs hiding on it. Put it in a plastic bag, carry it to the dumpster, spray paint the words BED BUGS on the package, and throw it in. (It is important to wrap the headboard in plastic before it leaves your bedroom. You don't want any bugs jumping off in the hallway on the way to the door.)
If you have a wooden bedframe, you need to disassemble it, and wash it down with Murphy's Oil Soap. Once you have the frame disassembled, vacuum it like you did with your mattress and box spring. You may need to use a stiff brush to dislodge any eggs or bed bugs in the nooks and crannies. Now spray the Murphy's onto the frame, making sure to spray it into every cracks and crevice.
Step 4: Clean and Prepare the Floor Around Your Bed
When you reassemble the bed, you have to position it away from the walls and furniture, so bed bugs don't have anything to use as a bridge to reinfest your bed. Usually, the best place is to position the bed toward the center of the room and the night stand or tables away from it.
Carefully vacuum the floor in the area under the bed. If you have any carpets or rugs, I think you should roll them up, put them in the trash bag, seal the bag tightly and put it in the garage or storage for the next 18 months. But consult with your bed bug exterminator. Rugs can be treated by with chemicals, so it's your call as to what to do.
Sprinkle the floor you just cleaned with a light dusting of DE. Don't make piles, just use a baby powder bottle or some other plastic bottle that can puff out a very light layer of the stuff.
Warning: DE is almost lighter than air, and it takes some practice to get used to. As with any pest control product, READ THE LABEL AND FOLLOW ALL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS. Wear a dust mask or respirator when applying.
Step 5: Reassemble the Bed Frame
Now reassemble your bed frame and move it to the middle of the room, over your dust field. Put the legs of the bed frame on the lifters, and put the lifters in the bowls. In other words, the bowl is on the floor, the lifter is in the bowl, and the bed frame is on the lifter.
Wrap plastic wrap around the legs of your bed (regular Saran Wrap is fine for this), then wrap double sided tape over the plastic wrap to catch any bed bugs crawling up.
For additional protection, spread Vaseline on the legs above and below the double sided tape. This is an old trick from the turn of the century, and another obstacle to gum up any bed bugs trying to crawl into your bed.
Put the encasement over the box spring. Put the box spring on the frame. Make sure you don't tear the encasement! Cover the zippered seam of the case with duct tape. Use a lot of tape, and extend it four to six inches from the end of the zipper. You are taping up the zipper because baby bed bugs are tiny, and can slip through the teeth of the zipper.
Gently put the mattress on the box spring. Gently pull the casing over it, and tape the zippers shut.
Now it is time to fill the bowls with soapy water. Bed bugs cannot traverse soapy water, so this becomes like a little moat, protecting the legs of your bed.
Put your new white sheets on the bed, over the encasements. With new sheets, you'll be able to see any blood spots, fecal stains, or crushed bed bugs that might have penetrated your defenses.
Step 6: Securing the Perimeter
Put down a three or four inch wide circle of double-sided carpet tape on the floor around your entire bed (be sure that you vacuumed within this area. If you didn't, do it now). This way, any bed bugs crawling from outside of your fortress will get caught in the tape.
And finally, be sure you have a dusting of DE extending 12 inches around the soapy water-filled bowls. You want to be sure that any bugs that try to get up those bowls have to go through the DE first. Again, this should only be a dusting of DE. You should not see much whiteness at all - thinner is better. Any more than that, and it won't work.
And you're done! Feels good to be taking the offensive, doesn't it? If everything works as planned, you've cleared the bed bugs off your bed, any that you missed are encased inside the mite cover, and the bed bugs elsewhere in the room will be unable to get into your bed. Finally, a chance to sleep!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Bedbugs invasion - fact or media frenzy?
"Bed Bugs Invade America!" screamed the headline on a supermarket tabloid. "Tiny, Evil and Everywhere" shrieked the Washington Post. "Bloodthirsty Bedbugs Stage Comeback" thundered National Geographic News.
Read the headlines and you get the impression that bed bugs have invaded our shores in force and are chomping their way down Main Street USA. Until five years ago bed bug reports were virtually non-existent in the U.S. Then the blood-sucking insects started cropping up in homes, apartments, hotels and college dorms across the country fueling a media frenzy. Chastising fellow journalists, David Segal of the Washington Post pointed out in a February article, "more than 400 articles have wriggled into print, all making roughly the same point: The bloodsucking critters are back, and in numbers that amount to a scourge." Segal claims that "the scale of this 'swarm' has been overstated, maybe wildly so. ... 'The bugs are back' is so perfect a trend story that it seems hand-forged by the trend-story gods. It's what happens when you combine a creepy villain, primal fear and squishy statistics."
In the March issue of Pest Management Professional, editorial director Frank Andorka made this rebuttal to Segal's story: "Of course, many reporters are rooting for the bed bug: It's great copy - a cryptic, bloodsucking insect that feeds on people when they are sleeping and is difficult to control. What could possibly be a better story than that? But just because it's good copy doesn't mean the stories aren't true."
So what's the real story? Are bed bugs a genuine threat or is this so much media hype. Some argue that journalists are feeding the frenzied paranoia of a panicked citizenry. Others point to very real statistics that show a 70% increase in reported bed bug infestations in the U.S. in the past five years. In a national survey conducted for Pest Management Professional, University of Kentucky entomologist Michael Potter found, "A whopping 91% of respondents reported their organizations had encountered bed bug infestations in the past two years. Only 37% said they encountered bed bugs more than five years ago." Pest control companies that for decades had received no calls about bed bugs are suddenly receiving dozens. In large urban areas it's not uncommon for companies to field 100 to 150 bed bug complaints a week, according to a National Pest Management Association survey.
After near eradication by DDT-based pesticides in the 1950s, bed bugs (Cimex lectularius) are on the rise. A worldwide scourge throughout human history, bed bugs, fleas and lice used to be regular nightly bedmates. Your grandmother's bedtime mantra -- "Sleep tight; don't let the bed bugs bite!" - was rooted in the reality of pre-World War II life when bed bugs were commonly found in beds across the U.S. In the 1930s, people wallpapered their bedrooms with arsenic-laced wallpaper to kill bed bugs. Metal bed frames, considered less likely to harbor bed bugs, were the rage. Twice a year bedsteads were completely dismantled and scrubbed to keep bed bugs at bay. Until the insect-killing properties of DDT were discovered during World War II, no effective pesticide existed to eradicate bed bugs. Development of DDT-based insecticides after the war allowed America and most industrialized countries to stamp out bed bugs.
Discovery of DDT's cancer risk to humans and lethal threat to wildlife led to its banning in the early 1970s. By the mid-1990s, reports of bed bug infestations began to surface in the U.S., Canada, Australia and Western Europe. With no lethally effective pesticide available, bed bugs have multiplied and spread. "Since the mid-1990s, numbers of reported infestations have almost doubled annually," said Clive Boase, author of a bed bug study published by the Institute of Biology in London. Bed bug infestations in London have risen tenfold since 1996, Boase reported. According to National Geographic News, bed bug complaints to pest control companies increased 700% in Australia between 2000 and 2004 and 500% in the U.S. While these figures seem astonishing, keep in mind that if a pest controller received two bed bugs calls in 2000, an increase of 500% would equal 10 calls in 2004, not quite the "invasion" trumpeted in news reports. Still, last year bed bug infestations were reported in every state in the U.S., and reports are increasing exponentially each year. "This is a serious issue," Potter recently told the New York Times. "This will be the pest of the 21st century."
Scientists haven't pinned down a single cause for the bed bug proliferation, but cite a combination of factors, including the increased ease of international travel, lack of potent insecticides, and discovery of pesticide-resistant bed bugs. The size of an apple seed, these wingless insects are nocturnal, hiding in tiny cracks and crevices on mattresses and near beds, and coming out at night to feed on human blood. Females typically lay 500 eggs during their six- to 12-month lifespan. Eggs hatch in four to 12 days, and larva begin to feed, reaching adult status in about a month. Three or more generations can be produced in a year. A few bed bugs can lead to a major infestation in just a short time. Easily transported, bed bugs often enter a home on luggage, clothing or used or rental furniture. They spread through multi-unit properties like apartments and hotels through air ducts, electrical and plumbing conduits and wall voids. New York City recently launched an education campaign when serious bed bug infestations in the immigrant community were linked to the sale of infested secondhand mattresses.
Not all bed bug complaints turn out to be bed bugs. "I get samples every day," said Harvard University entomologist Richard Pollack, who noted that "fewer than half" turn out to be bed bugs. Carpet beetles, lice, fleas, ticks, chiggers, mites, even lint are often mistaken for bed bugs. False alarms are part of the territory, said New York City housing authority spokesman Howard Marder. "Experience shows that residents may have heard rumors about bedbugs, so if they wake up with a rash or an itch, they think they've got them. ... If you make people aware of a problem, reports about it are likely to go up."
Sometimes the power of suggestion results in delusory parasitosis, or Ekbom's Syndrome, in which real environmental elements such as static electricity or dry skin cause severe itching that is incorrectly perceived to be caused by insects. Scratching can cause bleeding welts that only serve to "validate" victims' claims of an insect infestation. Most incidents are related to seasonal changes in humidity triggered by the start up of heating or air conditioning systems.
For those who actually do have bed bugs, the experience can be traumatic. Bites leave red, itchy welts that can bedevil bed bug victims. While scientists assure us that bed bugs are merely a nuisance pest and do not transmit diseases, the thought of being nibbled on while they sleep is enough to send many victims screaming from their beds. "It's horrible. They're feeding on your family, your skin; their main meal is a human body," a horrified Atlantic Beach bed bug victim told NBC 12 First Coast News in Jacksonville, Florida. She said her two-year-old would wake up crying from the bites. Shannon (who refused to give her last name) spent hours shuttling her welt-covered children to different doctors before an entomologist correctly diagnosed the problem as bed bugs. In a typical reaction, Shannon threw out mattresses, beds, sofas and linens. She moved her family out and hired a pest control company to "tent" and fumigate their house. New technologies like Cryonite which freezes and kills bugs and eggs using non-toxic carbon dioxide vapor can be applied without going to such extremes. But when bed bugs bite, most people panic. They don't care whether there's a bed bug invasion sweeping America or not. One bug in their bed is one too many.
"Bed Bugs Invade America!" screamed the headline on a supermarket tabloid. "Tiny, Evil and Everywhere" shrieked the Washington Post. "Bloodthirsty Bedbugs Stage Comeback" thundered National Geographic News.
Read the headlines and you get the impression that bed bugs have invaded our shores in force and are chomping their way down Main Street USA. Until five years ago bed bug reports were virtually non-existent in the U.S. Then the blood-sucking insects started cropping up in homes, apartments, hotels and college dorms across the country fueling a media frenzy. Chastising fellow journalists, David Segal of the Washington Post pointed out in a February article, "more than 400 articles have wriggled into print, all making roughly the same point: The bloodsucking critters are back, and in numbers that amount to a scourge." Segal claims that "the scale of this 'swarm' has been overstated, maybe wildly so. ... 'The bugs are back' is so perfect a trend story that it seems hand-forged by the trend-story gods. It's what happens when you combine a creepy villain, primal fear and squishy statistics."
In the March issue of Pest Management Professional, editorial director Frank Andorka made this rebuttal to Segal's story: "Of course, many reporters are rooting for the bed bug: It's great copy - a cryptic, bloodsucking insect that feeds on people when they are sleeping and is difficult to control. What could possibly be a better story than that? But just because it's good copy doesn't mean the stories aren't true."
So what's the real story? Are bed bugs a genuine threat or is this so much media hype. Some argue that journalists are feeding the frenzied paranoia of a panicked citizenry. Others point to very real statistics that show a 70% increase in reported bed bug infestations in the U.S. in the past five years. In a national survey conducted for Pest Management Professional, University of Kentucky entomologist Michael Potter found, "A whopping 91% of respondents reported their organizations had encountered bed bug infestations in the past two years. Only 37% said they encountered bed bugs more than five years ago." Pest control companies that for decades had received no calls about bed bugs are suddenly receiving dozens. In large urban areas it's not uncommon for companies to field 100 to 150 bed bug complaints a week, according to a National Pest Management Association survey.
After near eradication by DDT-based pesticides in the 1950s, bed bugs (Cimex lectularius) are on the rise. A worldwide scourge throughout human history, bed bugs, fleas and lice used to be regular nightly bedmates. Your grandmother's bedtime mantra -- "Sleep tight; don't let the bed bugs bite!" - was rooted in the reality of pre-World War II life when bed bugs were commonly found in beds across the U.S. In the 1930s, people wallpapered their bedrooms with arsenic-laced wallpaper to kill bed bugs. Metal bed frames, considered less likely to harbor bed bugs, were the rage. Twice a year bedsteads were completely dismantled and scrubbed to keep bed bugs at bay. Until the insect-killing properties of DDT were discovered during World War II, no effective pesticide existed to eradicate bed bugs. Development of DDT-based insecticides after the war allowed America and most industrialized countries to stamp out bed bugs.
Discovery of DDT's cancer risk to humans and lethal threat to wildlife led to its banning in the early 1970s. By the mid-1990s, reports of bed bug infestations began to surface in the U.S., Canada, Australia and Western Europe. With no lethally effective pesticide available, bed bugs have multiplied and spread. "Since the mid-1990s, numbers of reported infestations have almost doubled annually," said Clive Boase, author of a bed bug study published by the Institute of Biology in London. Bed bug infestations in London have risen tenfold since 1996, Boase reported. According to National Geographic News, bed bug complaints to pest control companies increased 700% in Australia between 2000 and 2004 and 500% in the U.S. While these figures seem astonishing, keep in mind that if a pest controller received two bed bugs calls in 2000, an increase of 500% would equal 10 calls in 2004, not quite the "invasion" trumpeted in news reports. Still, last year bed bug infestations were reported in every state in the U.S., and reports are increasing exponentially each year. "This is a serious issue," Potter recently told the New York Times. "This will be the pest of the 21st century."
Scientists haven't pinned down a single cause for the bed bug proliferation, but cite a combination of factors, including the increased ease of international travel, lack of potent insecticides, and discovery of pesticide-resistant bed bugs. The size of an apple seed, these wingless insects are nocturnal, hiding in tiny cracks and crevices on mattresses and near beds, and coming out at night to feed on human blood. Females typically lay 500 eggs during their six- to 12-month lifespan. Eggs hatch in four to 12 days, and larva begin to feed, reaching adult status in about a month. Three or more generations can be produced in a year. A few bed bugs can lead to a major infestation in just a short time. Easily transported, bed bugs often enter a home on luggage, clothing or used or rental furniture. They spread through multi-unit properties like apartments and hotels through air ducts, electrical and plumbing conduits and wall voids. New York City recently launched an education campaign when serious bed bug infestations in the immigrant community were linked to the sale of infested secondhand mattresses.
Not all bed bug complaints turn out to be bed bugs. "I get samples every day," said Harvard University entomologist Richard Pollack, who noted that "fewer than half" turn out to be bed bugs. Carpet beetles, lice, fleas, ticks, chiggers, mites, even lint are often mistaken for bed bugs. False alarms are part of the territory, said New York City housing authority spokesman Howard Marder. "Experience shows that residents may have heard rumors about bedbugs, so if they wake up with a rash or an itch, they think they've got them. ... If you make people aware of a problem, reports about it are likely to go up."
Sometimes the power of suggestion results in delusory parasitosis, or Ekbom's Syndrome, in which real environmental elements such as static electricity or dry skin cause severe itching that is incorrectly perceived to be caused by insects. Scratching can cause bleeding welts that only serve to "validate" victims' claims of an insect infestation. Most incidents are related to seasonal changes in humidity triggered by the start up of heating or air conditioning systems.
For those who actually do have bed bugs, the experience can be traumatic. Bites leave red, itchy welts that can bedevil bed bug victims. While scientists assure us that bed bugs are merely a nuisance pest and do not transmit diseases, the thought of being nibbled on while they sleep is enough to send many victims screaming from their beds. "It's horrible. They're feeding on your family, your skin; their main meal is a human body," a horrified Atlantic Beach bed bug victim told NBC 12 First Coast News in Jacksonville, Florida. She said her two-year-old would wake up crying from the bites. Shannon (who refused to give her last name) spent hours shuttling her welt-covered children to different doctors before an entomologist correctly diagnosed the problem as bed bugs. In a typical reaction, Shannon threw out mattresses, beds, sofas and linens. She moved her family out and hired a pest control company to "tent" and fumigate their house. New technologies like Cryonite which freezes and kills bugs and eggs using non-toxic carbon dioxide vapor can be applied without going to such extremes. But when bed bugs bite, most people panic. They don't care whether there's a bed bug invasion sweeping America or not. One bug in their bed is one too many.