Friday, November 11, 2011

When the bedbugs, guests look!

Bed Bugs!!! Avoid this hotel! warns Hoteliers are finding that notices posted on popular travel review sites can be disastrous for business.

One upscale hotel saw its five-star rating on Yahoo! Travel plummet to one star overnight when guests reported sharing their bed with bed bugs. Increasingly, distraught guests whose sleep has been disturbed by the tiny blood-sucking pests are outing hotels on internet sites and filing lawsuits. is devoted to traveler accounts of bed bug attacks at hotels, complete with addresses and maps. Concerned hoteliers feel unfairly trapped.

While hotels have a responsibility to protect the health and welfare of their guests, it's usually guests who bring bed bugs into a hotel.
Adept hitchhikers, bed bugs travel into hotel rooms in guests' luggage and set up housekeeping. Bed bugs are nuisance pests that feed on human blood. Difficult to detect, adults are russet brown and about the size of an apple seed, but nymphs are microscopic and nearly translucent. While bed bugs do not transmit disease, their bites can cause itchy, red welts, psychosomatic stress and severe allergic reactions. When their original meal ticket checks out, bed bugs burrow into crevices in or near beds, behind wall plates, inside clocks and under carpets to await their next victim. They'll crawl along electrical and plumbing conduits and air ducts in search of new prey, infecting adjacent rooms. Maids may inadvertently spread bed bugs through an entire hotel wing on cleaning carts. It doesn't take long for a few bed bugs to become a major infestation.
Increasing bed bug infestations in all 50 states prompted the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to declare a bed bug epidemic in April. Pest management companies have reported a 71% increase in bed bug complaints since 2001, according to a survey by the National Pest Management Association (NPMA). Hotel outbreaks have become so numerous that NPMA and the American Hotel & Lodging Association are cohosting a National Bed Bug Symposium August 25 in New Jersey and August 27 in Seattle.
You don't have to stay in a flophouse or hostel to encounter bed bugs. Bed bugs are just as prevalent in luxury hotels and respected national chains. "Just because a motel (appears) clean and is expensive ... it does not mean that they don't have bedbugs," Derrick Bender, a faculty assistant at the University of Maryland's Cumberland Extension Office, told the Cumberland Times-News. While staying at an upscale $300-a-night Annapolis hotel this summer, Bender and his wife were attacked by bed bugs.
Juries and judges have been siding with bed bug victims when cases go to court. In the 2003 landmark case (Matthias v. Accor Economy Lodging), Toronto siblings received a jury award of $382,000 against Motel 6 after sharing a room with bed bugs. In 2006, a Chicago couple sued a Catskills resort for $20 million, claiming more than 500 bed bug bites left them physically and mentally scarred. "I was miserable," plaintiff Leslie Fox told the Associated Press. "My skin felt as if it was on fire and I wanted to tear it off." In 2007, New York opera star Allison Trainer sued the Hilton hotel chain for $6 million after suffering more than 100 bed bug bites at a Hilton Suites in Phoenix. "They were all over the bed and the comforter and the pillows, and I pulled the sheets off and they were just everywhere," she told ABC News. In 2008, a guest at San Francisco's Ramada Plaza Hotel received a $71,000 out-of-court settlement, the largest to date, after 400 bed bug bites left her with a disfiguring skin condition.
While some hoteliers have irresponsibly ignored guests' complaints, in most cases the hotel didn't realize the room was infested when guests checked in. A 2008 suit against the owners of the Milford Plaza hotel in Manhattan (Grogan v. Gamber Corp.) is expected to test the limits of hoteliers' liability to their guests when bed bugs are present. A 2008 New York Supreme Court ruling allowed two Maryland tourists bitten by bed bugs during a 2003 stay to proceed with a $2 million negligence suit against the hotel and its pest control contractor. A request for punitive damages was denied, the court ruling that the hotel's actions did not show "recklessness or a conscious disregard of the rights of others." Three weeks before the Grogans checked in, the hotel's pest control contractor was directed to exterminate bed bugs in rooms near the room later inhabited by the Grogans. At issue is whether the hotel and its pest control contractor should have considered the life span and migratory abilities of bed bugs when treating the infected rooms and treated a larger area. The case has the potential to significantly increase a hotel's responsibility and liability in providing guests with safe, bed bug-free rooms.
"Those in the lodging industry who still improvidently use their unlucky guests to monitor for the presence of bed bugs run the risk of being held liable for significant damages in civil suits," warns Timothy Wenk, an attorney with Shafer Glazer, LLP, a New York/New Jersey civil defense firm. Hotels must be proactive about discovering bed bugs on their premises, not merely react to guest complaints. The EPA now recommends that hotels institute regular preventive inspections to find and treat bed bug infestations in their early stages. "In addition to consulting with pest control managers," Wenk recommends, "hoteliers should consider using bed bug monitoring systems in their rooms. If hoteliers can show that they deployed a monitoring system, they can later argue that they took reasonable and prudent steps to safeguard their guests from these blood-thirsty pests. Evidence of this type should be given great weight by judges and juries."
Several effective bed bug monitoring devices have recently come on the market. Each has unique strengths and capabilities, so it's advisable to consult a pest control professional before making a selection. Hotels that use bed bug-sniffing dogs to identify bed bug activity should consider using bed bug monitors to protect against infestation between scheduled canine inspections.
o NightWatch by BioSensory, Inc. is the just one of an effective new type of bed bug monitoring devices on the market. Extensively tested and vetted by Purdue University entomologists, it uses heat, CO2 and a pheromone lure to attract, trap and kill bed bugs. It has a small footprint and has a clock timer with an automatic "on" setting and a CO2 cartridge that lasts several days.
o CDC 3000 by Cimex Science is a discrete, portable monitoring and trapping device housed in a briefcase. Mimicking a human body, it lures bugs within a six-foot radius, annihilating them with CO2, making it safe around children and pets. This monitor has a CO2 cartridge that lasts about eight hours.
o Bug Dome by Silvandersson will soon be available from the Swedish company that developed eco-friendly bed bug eliminator Cryonite. Using an attractant to lure bed bugs into replaceable glue traps, it plugs into any wall outlet.
o BB Alert Active by MIDMOS, available in Europe, should reach U.S. markets soon. The small monitor uses replaceable packets of chemical attractant to entice bugs into a glue trap.
Hoteliers who fail to monitor and quickly eliminate bed bugs pay a devastating price in negative media attention, legal fees and lost customer loyalty. It pays to be proactive about protecting your guests - and your hotel - from these annoying pests.
Bed Bugs!!! Avoid this hotel! warns Hoteliers are finding that notices posted on popular travel review sites can be disastrous for business.

One upscale hotel saw its five-star rating on Yahoo! Travel plummet to one star overnight when guests reported sharing their bed with bed bugs. Increasingly, distraught guests whose sleep has been disturbed by the tiny blood-sucking pests are outing hotels on internet sites and filing lawsuits. is devoted to traveler accounts of bed bug attacks at hotels, complete with addresses and maps. Concerned hoteliers feel unfairly trapped.

While hotels have a responsibility to protect the health and welfare of their guests, it's usually guests who bring bed bugs into a hotel.
Adept hitchhikers, bed bugs travel into hotel rooms in guests' luggage and set up housekeeping. Bed bugs are nuisance pests that feed on human blood. Difficult to detect, adults are russet brown and about the size of an apple seed, but nymphs are microscopic and nearly translucent. While bed bugs do not transmit disease, their bites can cause itchy, red welts, psychosomatic stress and severe allergic reactions. When their original meal ticket checks out, bed bugs burrow into crevices in or near beds, behind wall plates, inside clocks and under carpets to await their next victim. They'll crawl along electrical and plumbing conduits and air ducts in search of new prey, infecting adjacent rooms. Maids may inadvertently spread bed bugs through an entire hotel wing on cleaning carts. It doesn't take long for a few bed bugs to become a major infestation.
Increasing bed bug infestations in all 50 states prompted the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to declare a bed bug epidemic in April. Pest management companies have reported a 71% increase in bed bug complaints since 2001, according to a survey by the National Pest Management Association (NPMA). Hotel outbreaks have become so numerous that NPMA and the American Hotel & Lodging Association are cohosting a National Bed Bug Symposium August 25 in New Jersey and August 27 in Seattle.
You don't have to stay in a flophouse or hostel to encounter bed bugs. Bed bugs are just as prevalent in luxury hotels and respected national chains. "Just because a motel (appears) clean and is expensive ... it does not mean that they don't have bedbugs," Derrick Bender, a faculty assistant at the University of Maryland's Cumberland Extension Office, told the Cumberland Times-News. While staying at an upscale $300-a-night Annapolis hotel this summer, Bender and his wife were attacked by bed bugs.
Juries and judges have been siding with bed bug victims when cases go to court. In the 2003 landmark case (Matthias v. Accor Economy Lodging), Toronto siblings received a jury award of $382,000 against Motel 6 after sharing a room with bed bugs. In 2006, a Chicago couple sued a Catskills resort for $20 million, claiming more than 500 bed bug bites left them physically and mentally scarred. "I was miserable," plaintiff Leslie Fox told the Associated Press. "My skin felt as if it was on fire and I wanted to tear it off." In 2007, New York opera star Allison Trainer sued the Hilton hotel chain for $6 million after suffering more than 100 bed bug bites at a Hilton Suites in Phoenix. "They were all over the bed and the comforter and the pillows, and I pulled the sheets off and they were just everywhere," she told ABC News. In 2008, a guest at San Francisco's Ramada Plaza Hotel received a $71,000 out-of-court settlement, the largest to date, after 400 bed bug bites left her with a disfiguring skin condition.
While some hoteliers have irresponsibly ignored guests' complaints, in most cases the hotel didn't realize the room was infested when guests checked in. A 2008 suit against the owners of the Milford Plaza hotel in Manhattan (Grogan v. Gamber Corp.) is expected to test the limits of hoteliers' liability to their guests when bed bugs are present. A 2008 New York Supreme Court ruling allowed two Maryland tourists bitten by bed bugs during a 2003 stay to proceed with a $2 million negligence suit against the hotel and its pest control contractor. A request for punitive damages was denied, the court ruling that the hotel's actions did not show "recklessness or a conscious disregard of the rights of others." Three weeks before the Grogans checked in, the hotel's pest control contractor was directed to exterminate bed bugs in rooms near the room later inhabited by the Grogans. At issue is whether the hotel and its pest control contractor should have considered the life span and migratory abilities of bed bugs when treating the infected rooms and treated a larger area. The case has the potential to significantly increase a hotel's responsibility and liability in providing guests with safe, bed bug-free rooms.
"Those in the lodging industry who still improvidently use their unlucky guests to monitor for the presence of bed bugs run the risk of being held liable for significant damages in civil suits," warns Timothy Wenk, an attorney with Shafer Glazer, LLP, a New York/New Jersey civil defense firm. Hotels must be proactive about discovering bed bugs on their premises, not merely react to guest complaints. The EPA now recommends that hotels institute regular preventive inspections to find and treat bed bug infestations in their early stages. "In addition to consulting with pest control managers," Wenk recommends, "hoteliers should consider using bed bug monitoring systems in their rooms. If hoteliers can show that they deployed a monitoring system, they can later argue that they took reasonable and prudent steps to safeguard their guests from these blood-thirsty pests. Evidence of this type should be given great weight by judges and juries."
Several effective bed bug monitoring devices have recently come on the market. Each has unique strengths and capabilities, so it's advisable to consult a pest control professional before making a selection. Hotels that use bed bug-sniffing dogs to identify bed bug activity should consider using bed bug monitors to protect against infestation between scheduled canine inspections.
o NightWatch by BioSensory, Inc. is the just one of an effective new type of bed bug monitoring devices on the market. Extensively tested and vetted by Purdue University entomologists, it uses heat, CO2 and a pheromone lure to attract, trap and kill bed bugs. It has a small footprint and has a clock timer with an automatic "on" setting and a CO2 cartridge that lasts several days.
o CDC 3000 by Cimex Science is a discrete, portable monitoring and trapping device housed in a briefcase. Mimicking a human body, it lures bugs within a six-foot radius, annihilating them with CO2, making it safe around children and pets. This monitor has a CO2 cartridge that lasts about eight hours.
o Bug Dome by Silvandersson will soon be available from the Swedish company that developed eco-friendly bed bug eliminator Cryonite. Using an attractant to lure bed bugs into replaceable glue traps, it plugs into any wall outlet.
o BB Alert Active by MIDMOS, available in Europe, should reach U.S. markets soon. The small monitor uses replaceable packets of chemical attractant to entice bugs into a glue trap.
Hoteliers who fail to monitor and quickly eliminate bed bugs pay a devastating price in negative media attention, legal fees and lost customer loyalty. It pays to be proactive about protecting your guests - and your hotel - from these annoying pests.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Facts to Know About Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are small reddish brown parasitic insects that feed exclusively on the blood of humans and other warm-blooded creatures. They are very small, only 5-7 mm long and with a flat body. They are a menace in places where there are many people, such as in hotels. People must learn more about these insects, as these can be potentially very harmful to human beings. Bed bug bites can cause mild to moderate allergic reactions like itching and hives.

The problem of bed bugs has existed for centuries. These parasites are known by many different names such as redcoat, heavy dragoon, and mahogany flat. The world thought that it had totally eradicated them in the last 50 years with the extensive use of pesticides but the bugs have recently come back in big numbers because of the increase in international travel. They are also tougher to kill because they can now resist the old pesticides.
The first signs of a bed bug infestation are actual bites from lying in bed. Some more warning signals are fecal and blood stains on the bed sheet, crushed bed bug corpses, and cast skin. Persons who think that they have a bed bug infestation should consult and employ an expert pest control service to thoroughly inspect the house and plan a way to eradicate the bugs.

When bugs are found to be present, a number of measures can be taken to eradicate the infestation. They can be physically removed through vacuuming. A high efficiency particulate air filtered vacuum should remove almost all bugs and their allergens.

They can also be removed by sticking tape onto them or brushing them into a container of alcohol. Excluding and then sealing off openings to their harbor sites also helps by keeping bugs isolated where they will eventually just die.

Applying extreme heat or cold on bugs is also effective because bugs die at extreme temperatures. Steam cleaners typically generate over 45 degree Celsius heat and this is enough to kill bugs that come into contact. A drawback of this method is that steam cleaners can only cover a small area. Mattresses also are hard to disinfect with this method because they tend to absorb the heat before it can get to the bugs. Commercial efforts are also underway to develop rapid freezing sprays.

Pesticides are far less effective than they were fifty years ago, when they nearly killed off the bed bug population at the time. Present bugs are nearly immune to those older pesticides. To kill off the bugs of today, a properly formulated residual chemical insecticide must be applied on all possible surfaces that bugs may crawl and reside in.

There are many other ways to deal with bed bug infestations. Since a multi-pronged approach is usually the best one to take, a pest control service really must be employed to determine the right mix of methods to be used. For prevention, individuals should look into buying or making a plastic cover for their mattresses.

View the original article here
Bed bugs are small reddish brown parasitic insects that feed exclusively on the blood of humans and other warm-blooded creatures. They are very small, only 5-7 mm long and with a flat body. They are a menace in places where there are many people, such as in hotels. People must learn more about these insects, as these can be potentially very harmful to human beings. Bed bug bites can cause mild to moderate allergic reactions like itching and hives.

The problem of bed bugs has existed for centuries. These parasites are known by many different names such as redcoat, heavy dragoon, and mahogany flat. The world thought that it had totally eradicated them in the last 50 years with the extensive use of pesticides but the bugs have recently come back in big numbers because of the increase in international travel. They are also tougher to kill because they can now resist the old pesticides.
The first signs of a bed bug infestation are actual bites from lying in bed. Some more warning signals are fecal and blood stains on the bed sheet, crushed bed bug corpses, and cast skin. Persons who think that they have a bed bug infestation should consult and employ an expert pest control service to thoroughly inspect the house and plan a way to eradicate the bugs.

When bugs are found to be present, a number of measures can be taken to eradicate the infestation. They can be physically removed through vacuuming. A high efficiency particulate air filtered vacuum should remove almost all bugs and their allergens.

They can also be removed by sticking tape onto them or brushing them into a container of alcohol. Excluding and then sealing off openings to their harbor sites also helps by keeping bugs isolated where they will eventually just die.

Applying extreme heat or cold on bugs is also effective because bugs die at extreme temperatures. Steam cleaners typically generate over 45 degree Celsius heat and this is enough to kill bugs that come into contact. A drawback of this method is that steam cleaners can only cover a small area. Mattresses also are hard to disinfect with this method because they tend to absorb the heat before it can get to the bugs. Commercial efforts are also underway to develop rapid freezing sprays.

Pesticides are far less effective than they were fifty years ago, when they nearly killed off the bed bug population at the time. Present bugs are nearly immune to those older pesticides. To kill off the bugs of today, a properly formulated residual chemical insecticide must be applied on all possible surfaces that bugs may crawl and reside in.

There are many other ways to deal with bed bug infestations. Since a multi-pronged approach is usually the best one to take, a pest control service really must be employed to determine the right mix of methods to be used. For prevention, individuals should look into buying or making a plastic cover for their mattresses.

View the original article here

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

A Guide To The Bed Bug, What They Are And What They Do

The bed bug is a little relative of the flea that feeds strictly on the blood of people and other heat blooded critters. The bed bug which is called for its behavior of infesting home bedding was mainly gone in the 1940s. Regrettably not too long ago they have come back. Now they primarily inhabit places with elevated individual traffic and beds such as accommodations and hostels. Their comeback has been extreme in that it is becoming referred to as an epidemic.

There are several unique varieties of bed bugs with one common one becoming the a lot broad spread. They can truly be seen with the naked eye but because these folks typically only feed at night time for about 5 mins these folks like the flea largely go unnoticed. What people do discover is the bites these folks leave behind.

These bites are generally mistaken for flea bites. These folks are little oval insects and are not arachnids like mites are. They come in brown, tan, white, and sometimes black.

Bedbugs feed off of blood vessels and blood vessels only. Though these folks typically feed about 60 minutes earlier than dawn these folks possess been recognised by feed at other occasions when warmth is present and these folks are starved. They only feed for about 5 minutes and the bite cannot be thought until about five mins after that. Bedbugs go unnoticed in a lot individuals also though absolutely everyone reacts a small bit in a different way to their bites.

Generally houses are not infested. Infestation only comes about once bedbugs are captured although touring or returning into contact with them elsewhere. The various way of transmitting is if infested furniture comes into the home. It does not have to be applied furniture. It is possible that new furnishings is uncovered to bedbug in delivery or also in the store. Enjoy their cousins the flea these folks can be captured next to anywhere.

These folks can nest in beds, beds, bed linens, chairs, sofas, and various upholstered furniture. It is where they are probably found. These folks can additionally be in clothing that is not often washed such as jackets, purses, and other baggage. These folks are not restricted to these areas that is simply in which they are generally found. That facts is valuable once discovering out how to treat an infestation.

Prior to you treat for a bedbug infestation it is crucial for you to make sure that you have a bedbug problem. Gentle infestations are almost unattainable to detect. You may see dust from the bedbugs or their shells right after they have shed. Only in a very heavy infestation could you see precise dwelling bedbugs. If you are unused to working with bedbugs you should seek the help of a home for detection if not treatment. There may additionally be specks of blood vessels on mild coloured sheets and upholstery.

Obtaining rid of bedbugs is really difficult. There are a range of do it oneself techniques that can be employed which includes: mattress covers, pesticides, and obtaining rid of the infested articles. Bed bug infestations can go for many years with out prognosis and once it is there it is incredibly very difficult to get rid of. If you are considering employing any treatment for bedbugs you may want to use them in combinations. Stick to the instructions cautiously to ensure which you get rid of them completely.

View the original article here

The bed bug is a little relative of the flea that feeds strictly on the blood of people and other heat blooded critters. The bed bug which is called for its behavior of infesting home bedding was mainly gone in the 1940s. Regrettably not too long ago they have come back. Now they primarily inhabit places with elevated individual traffic and beds such as accommodations and hostels. Their comeback has been extreme in that it is becoming referred to as an epidemic.

There are several unique varieties of bed bugs with one common one becoming the a lot broad spread. They can truly be seen with the naked eye but because these folks typically only feed at night time for about 5 mins these folks like the flea largely go unnoticed. What people do discover is the bites these folks leave behind.

These bites are generally mistaken for flea bites. These folks are little oval insects and are not arachnids like mites are. They come in brown, tan, white, and sometimes black.

Bedbugs feed off of blood vessels and blood vessels only. Though these folks typically feed about 60 minutes earlier than dawn these folks possess been recognised by feed at other occasions when warmth is present and these folks are starved. They only feed for about 5 minutes and the bite cannot be thought until about five mins after that. Bedbugs go unnoticed in a lot individuals also though absolutely everyone reacts a small bit in a different way to their bites.

Generally houses are not infested. Infestation only comes about once bedbugs are captured although touring or returning into contact with them elsewhere. The various way of transmitting is if infested furniture comes into the home. It does not have to be applied furniture. It is possible that new furnishings is uncovered to bedbug in delivery or also in the store. Enjoy their cousins the flea these folks can be captured next to anywhere.

These folks can nest in beds, beds, bed linens, chairs, sofas, and various upholstered furniture. It is where they are probably found. These folks can additionally be in clothing that is not often washed such as jackets, purses, and other baggage. These folks are not restricted to these areas that is simply in which they are generally found. That facts is valuable once discovering out how to treat an infestation.

Prior to you treat for a bedbug infestation it is crucial for you to make sure that you have a bedbug problem. Gentle infestations are almost unattainable to detect. You may see dust from the bedbugs or their shells right after they have shed. Only in a very heavy infestation could you see precise dwelling bedbugs. If you are unused to working with bedbugs you should seek the help of a home for detection if not treatment. There may additionally be specks of blood vessels on mild coloured sheets and upholstery.

Obtaining rid of bedbugs is really difficult. There are a range of do it oneself techniques that can be employed which includes: mattress covers, pesticides, and obtaining rid of the infested articles. Bed bug infestations can go for many years with out prognosis and once it is there it is incredibly very difficult to get rid of. If you are considering employing any treatment for bedbugs you may want to use them in combinations. Stick to the instructions cautiously to ensure which you get rid of them completely.

View the original article here

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Growth Rate of Bed Bugs is Bad News

Bed bugs thrive in places where large numbers of warm blooded animals sleep. For this reason the parasites, which live on a diet of blood from animals and birds exclusively, are more common in hotels, motels and apartment buildings than they are in private homes and more likely to be found in urban areas that in the countryside.

It was only recently that bed bugs became uncommon among a large segment of humanity. Even today there are large areas of the world where bed bugs have never stopped being common. It was only with the development of insecticides in the 1930s that the bug was driven from our beds. The use of DDT and similar products made the bed bug essentially extinct in the USA by the 1940s. But the pest lived on in the wild and elsewhere.

The dramatic increase in the number of reported cases of bed bug infestation in North America began in the late Nineties. The unwelcome return of this pest after a half century absence is not currently under control, with a reported 5 times increase in populations in recent years.

It is believed that there are a number of factors behind this new epidemic of bed bugs. The increase in international travel has been cited as one possible cause. Another widely cited contributory factor is new methods of pest-control. In the 1990s fumigators began to use bait to control cockroaches rather than pesticide sprays. The bait introduced poisons into the colonies. This process was found to be more effective and less intrusive than spraying and the use of insecticidal and other sprays was reduced to almost nil.

The discovery that outbreaks were popping up in geographically disparate locations led to the discovery of problems in the poultry industry. Epicenters in Delaware, Texas and Arkansas were found to center around poultry farming operations. Infected poultry were transferring insects and eggs onto the workers.

The infestation problem in New York City id particularly acute. In the 2004-2005 period the city saw the total number of reported cases of bedbugs in the last half of 2005 surpass by 20 per cent the total number of cases reported in all of 2004. Toronto, Canada, was added to the list 2004. Both outbreaks are thought to tied to the presence of large populations of international travelers.

A central difficulty in getting these numerous outbreaks under control is the resistance the insect has developed to the chemicals used in the cockroach sprays that were so prevalent in the 1950-1990 era. Deltamthrin resistance was found to have increased 260 times over the kill point found in the original studies of the chemical.

The spread of bed bugs is assisted by the growth in long distance travel and the concentration of humans in urban centers. International travelers pick up bed bugs when traveling in countries where the pest has always been present. National travelers and tenants pick them up in hotels, motels, schools, the workplace: anywhere we gather in crowds of individuals from diverse regions.

The EPA in the United States has called a summit to address the growing problem of bed bugs.

Get important information and details on the right ways to get bed bug control easy and fast! When you have all the tools you need to effectively achieve bed bug control, you will be able to start enjoying your sleep without itching.

View the original article here

Bed bugs thrive in places where large numbers of warm blooded animals sleep. For this reason the parasites, which live on a diet of blood from animals and birds exclusively, are more common in hotels, motels and apartment buildings than they are in private homes and more likely to be found in urban areas that in the countryside.

It was only recently that bed bugs became uncommon among a large segment of humanity. Even today there are large areas of the world where bed bugs have never stopped being common. It was only with the development of insecticides in the 1930s that the bug was driven from our beds. The use of DDT and similar products made the bed bug essentially extinct in the USA by the 1940s. But the pest lived on in the wild and elsewhere.

The dramatic increase in the number of reported cases of bed bug infestation in North America began in the late Nineties. The unwelcome return of this pest after a half century absence is not currently under control, with a reported 5 times increase in populations in recent years.

It is believed that there are a number of factors behind this new epidemic of bed bugs. The increase in international travel has been cited as one possible cause. Another widely cited contributory factor is new methods of pest-control. In the 1990s fumigators began to use bait to control cockroaches rather than pesticide sprays. The bait introduced poisons into the colonies. This process was found to be more effective and less intrusive than spraying and the use of insecticidal and other sprays was reduced to almost nil.

The discovery that outbreaks were popping up in geographically disparate locations led to the discovery of problems in the poultry industry. Epicenters in Delaware, Texas and Arkansas were found to center around poultry farming operations. Infected poultry were transferring insects and eggs onto the workers.

The infestation problem in New York City id particularly acute. In the 2004-2005 period the city saw the total number of reported cases of bedbugs in the last half of 2005 surpass by 20 per cent the total number of cases reported in all of 2004. Toronto, Canada, was added to the list 2004. Both outbreaks are thought to tied to the presence of large populations of international travelers.

A central difficulty in getting these numerous outbreaks under control is the resistance the insect has developed to the chemicals used in the cockroach sprays that were so prevalent in the 1950-1990 era. Deltamthrin resistance was found to have increased 260 times over the kill point found in the original studies of the chemical.

The spread of bed bugs is assisted by the growth in long distance travel and the concentration of humans in urban centers. International travelers pick up bed bugs when traveling in countries where the pest has always been present. National travelers and tenants pick them up in hotels, motels, schools, the workplace: anywhere we gather in crowds of individuals from diverse regions.

The EPA in the United States has called a summit to address the growing problem of bed bugs.

Get important information and details on the right ways to get bed bug control easy and fast! When you have all the tools you need to effectively achieve bed bug control, you will be able to start enjoying your sleep without itching.

View the original article here

Monday, November 7, 2011

Signs of Bed Bugs Infestation

In order to begin a bed bug treatment, you need to know what bed bugs look like, what they do, what their symptoms are, and how to find them. This can be tricky because bed bugs are extremely small. They are nocturnal and feed from human blood. There are a variety of different kinds and they often reside in mattresses then come out to feed right before dawn. They only feed about five minutes then go back into hiding. They can live anywhere between six months and a year without food and usually only eat once per week, making it even more difficult to spot them.

Bed bugs will burrow down in the seams in mattresses, box springs, and occasionally in the folds of blankets and sheets; however, they can live many other places as well. They are usually found in places that people sleep, such as furniture. They have also been found close to sleeping areas, such as storage boxes under the bed, carpet, and nightstands. A bed bug bite is not dangerous, but it does itch very bad and can cause skin irritations and rashes in people that are allergic.

Bed bugs are a nuisance and can be contracted in many ways. The easiest way to get bed bugs is by living in an apartment. They are often left by the people who lived in an apartment prior to you or they will crawl from one apartment to another in between the spaces in the walls, which makes it very difficult to get rid of them.
Traveling and staying in hotels is another way to contract bed bugs, especially if you are traveling internationally. You can even transport bed bugs home with you if they crawl into your luggage or stay on your clothes. Buying used furniture or clothing is another common way to bring bed bugs into your home.
Once people know their house is infested with bed bugs all they want is to get rid of them.

Bed bug bites are probably the easiest way to tell that you have bed bugs, and even that is difficult because the bites are so small and often resemble a rash or patch of red skin. There is nothing distinctive about them, and not all people react to them in the same way. You often will not even notice the bite for minutes or even days after you have been bitten.

One other way to catch bed bugs is to turn a flashlight on in your bed about an hour before dawn and watch you sheets for movement. This can be difficult, as they usually only come out once a week and they don’t all come out at once.

To stop bed bug bites from itching, use simple anti-itch cream. This will not solve the bed bug problem however. For the short term you can use double-sided tape around the bed, but you will have to hire an exterminator to completely rid your house of bed bugs.

 Kill Bed Bugs with a Bed Bug Starter Kit today. Tested and proven effective on bed bugs, our do-it-yourself  Bed Bug Treatment STARTER Kit is a great quick response to infestation in a single room or small area.  Take action now with this easy-to-use, affordable solution and stop any bed bug infestation in its tracks!

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In order to begin a bed bug treatment, you need to know what bed bugs look like, what they do, what their symptoms are, and how to find them. This can be tricky because bed bugs are extremely small. They are nocturnal and feed from human blood. There are a variety of different kinds and they often reside in mattresses then come out to feed right before dawn. They only feed about five minutes then go back into hiding. They can live anywhere between six months and a year without food and usually only eat once per week, making it even more difficult to spot them.

Bed bugs will burrow down in the seams in mattresses, box springs, and occasionally in the folds of blankets and sheets; however, they can live many other places as well. They are usually found in places that people sleep, such as furniture. They have also been found close to sleeping areas, such as storage boxes under the bed, carpet, and nightstands. A bed bug bite is not dangerous, but it does itch very bad and can cause skin irritations and rashes in people that are allergic.

Bed bugs are a nuisance and can be contracted in many ways. The easiest way to get bed bugs is by living in an apartment. They are often left by the people who lived in an apartment prior to you or they will crawl from one apartment to another in between the spaces in the walls, which makes it very difficult to get rid of them.
Traveling and staying in hotels is another way to contract bed bugs, especially if you are traveling internationally. You can even transport bed bugs home with you if they crawl into your luggage or stay on your clothes. Buying used furniture or clothing is another common way to bring bed bugs into your home.
Once people know their house is infested with bed bugs all they want is to get rid of them.

Bed bug bites are probably the easiest way to tell that you have bed bugs, and even that is difficult because the bites are so small and often resemble a rash or patch of red skin. There is nothing distinctive about them, and not all people react to them in the same way. You often will not even notice the bite for minutes or even days after you have been bitten.

One other way to catch bed bugs is to turn a flashlight on in your bed about an hour before dawn and watch you sheets for movement. This can be difficult, as they usually only come out once a week and they don’t all come out at once.

To stop bed bug bites from itching, use simple anti-itch cream. This will not solve the bed bug problem however. For the short term you can use double-sided tape around the bed, but you will have to hire an exterminator to completely rid your house of bed bugs.

 Kill Bed Bugs with a Bed Bug Starter Kit today. Tested and proven effective on bed bugs, our do-it-yourself  Bed Bug Treatment STARTER Kit is a great quick response to infestation in a single room or small area.  Take action now with this easy-to-use, affordable solution and stop any bed bug infestation in its tracks!

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Saturday, November 5, 2011

What You Will See In Bed Bugs Pictures

What you may see in bed bugs pictures are micro unwanted organisms; with flat, egg molded body. They have a home in cracks, infest ones mattresses; still are discovered in most unlikely places like the curtain folds, toys etc. They produce nuisance not merely to individuals but pets too by drawing their blood.

Out of the profile, you can infer that these parasitic organisms are genuinely nasty and should be controlled. We are pleased to assist in case you might have a bed mites invasion.

Also, known as bed mites, red coat or even crimson rambler, they’re mostly nocturnal creatures. Infinitesimal bed bugs pictures show that they’ve tiny hair in their back resulting in itchiness. Simply because the name indicates, infest mainly the bedding within the house.

Due to this they trigger numerous skin disorders including rash, itching, allergies etc. The break outs, if it is not cared for properly can result in skin disease.
The crimson rambler are fairly various from chiggers. Chiggers are normally familiar to people who have outdoor exposure of a camp or a hike. Theoretically, they do not bite; they simply affix themselves to the human skin and feast upon the human skin cells.

These parasites might be when compared to fleas in way given that both of them are wingless insects that pierce the skin and are nourished by blood of animals and human beings. The distinction in these two is that the flea exists and reproduces on human body itself unlike the red coat that just uses the creature’s body for survival and not as a host.

We give you the detailed description given that we felt that the understanding of the pest is helpful in its pest control.

The micro parasites are tricky to remove. Their relief demands a continuous process of treating the infected bedding to hot water and thorough vacuuming. Bed bugs treatment also involves use of pesticides right after wash and vacuum. Since they’re known to be recurring mites, in case you kill bed bugs when; it does not get rid of them for life.

Getting rid of the bed terrorists is essential; considering that their bite may end up into different internal and external illnesses. One can eradicate these creatures naturally or by utilizing pesticide sprays. Assumed to have been completely eliminated, these blood sucking parasites have created an appearance once more, several decades back. We all know that the bed bugs are a real trouble for you. For that reason, our organization is there to offer you with anti bug tools also as bed bug elimination services.

Dead Bed Bugs’ most comprehensive Bed Bug Treatment Kit. Effectively eliminates bed bugs in your environment for up to 60 days! Our do-it-yourself Bed Bug Treatment Kit is proven effective for killing bed bugs quickly and safely. This ready-to-use commercial strength Bed Bug kit includes enough EPA registered product to treat several rooms.  Kit also includes Climbup Insect Interceptors to monitor bed bug activity, a DE applicator, and Disinfectant to clean Bed Bug debris from your living area!

Make the most of both of them and have an excellent night sleep with out bed bug bites. Do not forget whatever you saw within the bed bugs pictures and remain alert.

View the original article here

What you may see in bed bugs pictures are micro unwanted organisms; with flat, egg molded body. They have a home in cracks, infest ones mattresses; still are discovered in most unlikely places like the curtain folds, toys etc. They produce nuisance not merely to individuals but pets too by drawing their blood.

Out of the profile, you can infer that these parasitic organisms are genuinely nasty and should be controlled. We are pleased to assist in case you might have a bed mites invasion.

Also, known as bed mites, red coat or even crimson rambler, they’re mostly nocturnal creatures. Infinitesimal bed bugs pictures show that they’ve tiny hair in their back resulting in itchiness. Simply because the name indicates, infest mainly the bedding within the house.

Due to this they trigger numerous skin disorders including rash, itching, allergies etc. The break outs, if it is not cared for properly can result in skin disease.
The crimson rambler are fairly various from chiggers. Chiggers are normally familiar to people who have outdoor exposure of a camp or a hike. Theoretically, they do not bite; they simply affix themselves to the human skin and feast upon the human skin cells.

These parasites might be when compared to fleas in way given that both of them are wingless insects that pierce the skin and are nourished by blood of animals and human beings. The distinction in these two is that the flea exists and reproduces on human body itself unlike the red coat that just uses the creature’s body for survival and not as a host.

We give you the detailed description given that we felt that the understanding of the pest is helpful in its pest control.

The micro parasites are tricky to remove. Their relief demands a continuous process of treating the infected bedding to hot water and thorough vacuuming. Bed bugs treatment also involves use of pesticides right after wash and vacuum. Since they’re known to be recurring mites, in case you kill bed bugs when; it does not get rid of them for life.

Getting rid of the bed terrorists is essential; considering that their bite may end up into different internal and external illnesses. One can eradicate these creatures naturally or by utilizing pesticide sprays. Assumed to have been completely eliminated, these blood sucking parasites have created an appearance once more, several decades back. We all know that the bed bugs are a real trouble for you. For that reason, our organization is there to offer you with anti bug tools also as bed bug elimination services.

Dead Bed Bugs’ most comprehensive Bed Bug Treatment Kit. Effectively eliminates bed bugs in your environment for up to 60 days! Our do-it-yourself Bed Bug Treatment Kit is proven effective for killing bed bugs quickly and safely. This ready-to-use commercial strength Bed Bug kit includes enough EPA registered product to treat several rooms.  Kit also includes Climbup Insect Interceptors to monitor bed bug activity, a DE applicator, and Disinfectant to clean Bed Bug debris from your living area!

Make the most of both of them and have an excellent night sleep with out bed bug bites. Do not forget whatever you saw within the bed bugs pictures and remain alert.

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